Jul 2020
1:28pm, 17 Jul 2020
2,749 posts
Very impressive Andy!
I hope you resist the temptation to include a “If opponent = AndyS then offset = 0.5” piece of functionality
Jul 2020
1:31pm, 17 Jul 2020
533 posts
Daddy Shark
Nice one Pothunter!
Jul 2020
1:47pm, 17 Jul 2020
5,980 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
You have made our square look very embarrassing with your Gridmaster shenanigans DS! Though whether I bother moving my square to where I'm running is debatable. Will likely depend on tonight's alcohol intake.
Jul 2020
2:01pm, 17 Jul 2020
10,818 posts
Now I have a fenix 6 but no clue how to even get maps to show when I run so as great as it could be it’s beyond me #allthegear 😂🤣
Jul 2020
2:44pm, 17 Jul 2020
534 posts
Daddy Shark
57.5 DoP, I've been motivated to do another gridmaster by your off-grid-ness this week. It's been on my mind due to the general increased interest in gridmaster in recent weeks, to which you yourself have been a major contributor.
This came from 31.94 miles of running (my first one was over 35 miles). However, I was certainly not as efficient as possible due to most runs starting with the same mile+ towards my daughter's school (a literal school run), always starting at home, plus Tuesday's Orphan Square that needed bringing back into the fold. That's at least 3 "wasted" miles. If I look at the points I've scored, I've run through 66 too many squares. My most efficient runs cover that in about 6.3 miles. I'd be surprised if I really could plan a sub-marathon one-run-gridmaster, but now I'm tempted to try. Maybe I'll do it if the rearranged London Marathon gets cancelled (though I had in my mind a 1 mile per hour 24 hour challenge (+2.2) for that).
As for an embarrassing grid, surely your one-run-gridmaster status inoculates you from all future WSW-related embarrassment! Anyway, I'm keenly aware of two things: you've not formally conceded yet; you've shown how many squares you can knock-off in an afternoon if you want. I'd be very happy to take my remaining runs off-grid, but not at the risk of what seems like my first 2-in-a-row victory since early April.
Jul 2020
3:04pm, 17 Jul 2020
66 posts
It seems that @pothunter might have been peeking at my code :D
Here's an "action" shot
Jul 2020
3:04pm, 17 Jul 2020
10,819 posts
Oh don’t be mentioning ‘that’ challenge I was going to do it next weekend while we’re at home and had talked myself out of such craziness 😂
Jul 2020
3:25pm, 17 Jul 2020
103 posts
Andy, that will so useful. it is always frustrating when you have planned a route to catch a corner of a square and then find you have missed it. I have one where I catch it in one direction (watch on left wrist) but can just miss it going the other way. I currently have to run backwards for a few steps and stick my arm over the top of a hedge to be sure!!!
Jul 2020
3:28pm, 17 Jul 2020
9,804 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
Andy, can I download that? And can you make one for conquersuze?!
Jul 2020
4:27pm, 17 Jul 2020
1,854 posts
Yes Andy - let us know when it’s available!