May 2020
12:57pm, 11 May 2020
1,143 posts
The date and time of the activity used to matter so that you could upload five days of training at once and would then count across all the days the training was on. You could then have no training being displayed for the whole week and then wham: a full week uploaded.
However that was changed so that the upload time was used. Then five days of training will all be stacked onto the one day; the day of upload.
May 2020
12:58pm, 11 May 2020
1,144 posts
Only for WSW purposes I should specify. 😉
May 2020
1:04pm, 11 May 2020
807 posts
Great 1v1 match with iwaswill. Pushed to the end and covered lots of squares but I needed a recovery cycle ride yesterday and I couldn't bring myself to just stay within grid. I was outside the top 32 by this morning but saw a few claimable squares up the top left and dashed out for a quicky to get me through to the next multimatch. This is starting to completely mess up any training I thought I would be doing - I'm tired all the time. Maybe a change of focus this week?
May 2020
1:22pm, 11 May 2020
11 posts
Groundhog I think I have the antidote, a new game called...'Who has the least squares wins'...
I was about 7/8 weeks into a restart my running training plan and then WSW happened going to dust it off and start on it again this week.
May 2020
1:28pm, 11 May 2020
5,661 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
Hello Chell!
And apologies for seeing how many squares I could get in one run.
May 2020
2:20pm, 11 May 2020
3,777 posts
Fizz :-)
129. Wow. I was pleased with my 80 this morning.
May 2020
2:21pm, 11 May 2020
40,236 posts
Lip Gloss
Haha Dipps, I’m used to getting beat but being thrashed was not good for the morale
I’m up against another local I meet now and again at parkrun and races
May 2020
2:26pm, 11 May 2020
192 posts
57.5 Degrees of pain - that is fiercely efficient! Well done!
May 2020
3:25pm, 11 May 2020
19,135 posts
Out of the muitplayer - went from being top 20 Saturday to out come Monday. I blame the neighbours. Without them there would have been no 14 hour drinking session on Saturday (on opposite sides of the street).
May 2020
4:02pm, 11 May 2020
642 posts
I'm through to the last 32 for the first time. Feel I'm starting to mix with the serious people now
(and hello Rae, good to have at least one other newbie to this round)