Dec 2019
11:37am, 16 Dec 2019
165 posts
Barefoot Prints in the Snow
No, thank you Sally! It's been an interesting week... I was away again this weekend (Bloody party season!! haha) and you had me worried!
Hope the vets was ok? Nothing serious?
Well done on your multiplay game... I was really poorly the first week I qualified and was hardly out... booted straight away!
Dec 2019
11:45am, 16 Dec 2019
11,670 posts
Think this week has been my best game in well over a year of playing, thanks to Oranj. He took an 80-odd point lead by Tuesday afternoon, has logged 28 pieces of training in the week and is currently third in the multi-play, having covered 162 squares.
I've done a little over 40 miles of running, all but 4 miles of it in-grid, in 130 squares, currently just scraping into the multi-play next round in 34th place. The lead has changed hands in our 1v1 nine times now and with fifteen minutes to go, I'm 92-88 up.
Dec 2019
11:53am, 16 Dec 2019
162 posts
I Saw ishep Come Sailing In
I've voted up both your suggestions, JCB. I'd like a run-only option in 1v1 too, OR a tweak to the mechanics to only allow one score per square per day, to prevent stacking of different activity types - while it may be seen as a valid strategy to be able to walk+run+swim in the same square(s) each day, I don't think it's compatible with most people's ability to fit in training around everyday life
Dec 2019
12:10pm, 16 Dec 2019
166 posts
Barefoot Prints in the Snow
Oh great... new match... ishep
Why is this bad? Because we live in the same house! He knows when I can and can't run, he knows where in my grid I can't go, (Because I don't like running in the woods in the dark!)
However... he doesn't like the stacking activities tactic... which I love!
Game On Mr Shepherd!
Dec 2019
12:11pm, 16 Dec 2019
163 posts
I Saw ishep Come Sailing In
He also knows how to change the wifi password 😏
Dec 2019
12:12pm, 16 Dec 2019
25,000 posts
Wriggling Snake
The added points for a longer run/walk is a non-starter, all you would need to do is chuck you homepoint into a corner, run out of grid, run back in later for the extra points.
Dec 2019
12:14pm, 16 Dec 2019
2,253 posts
Elsie Too
I really enjoyed my first attempt at the multi player. Going for exploration didn't work for me but got me a badge. I'm taking a week out and that got me another badge
Dec 2019
12:22pm, 16 Dec 2019
7,972 posts
Hello JCB, Our scores would suggest we are evenly matched. The multiple feet of snow out of my window suggests perhaps not this week.
Dec 2019
12:32pm, 16 Dec 2019
526 posts
Sam Jelfs
83 points down within the first half hour... Looks like you are going to make me work for it this week Dickie York!
Dec 2019
12:48pm, 16 Dec 2019
18,538 posts
Well done Ness, no Monday morning surge from me this week.
Now I'll watch G rack up his squares and try and get back over the weekend.