Dec 2019
1:52pm, 14 Dec 2019
10,914 posts
I think the only way I’d reach a fast enough speed for that to happen would be if I’d been hit by a car and was on the bonnet! 😱 Will make sure I avoid that! 😜
Dec 2019
2:38pm, 14 Dec 2019
4,286 posts
Fetch, mine is showing one of my miles as the correct time overall but as a bigger distance so it looks fast. I'll send feedback as it's not wsw specific.
Sigh, the game's all yours as I'm out of grid now and my last 2 runs have now come in as a ride, and even when I recategorise back to a run it keeps the 1 point per square.
Dec 2019
2:42pm, 14 Dec 2019
314 posts
There’s a 4.73 mile split in my run this morning showing 6:17 elapsed and 1:20 pace. Overall time/distance is fine though.
Dec 2019
2:43pm, 14 Dec 2019
6,259 posts
I had a weirdy yesterday - I noticed that one of my walk bits (I have run/walk set up as an interval program so I see the paces for each) was definitely a running pace. Looked as though the Garmin had mismeasured I think; the others were OK.
Dec 2019
2:49pm, 14 Dec 2019
4,287 posts
Macca that's exactly what mine's doing for the odd split within a run, even though it autolap for a mile and the map and total distance covered is correct.
Dec 2019
2:53pm, 14 Dec 2019
5,128 posts
Auld Lang Sigh
@clare, I'd actually be happy if you won, I'm looking forward to sliding down the rankings a bit!
Dec 2019
3:33pm, 14 Dec 2019
525 posts
Sam Jelfs
@VJ - I DNFed at the 50 mile point. Nothing wrong but I could feel my knee start to complain, and seeing as my A race is on February I thought better to drop uninjured.
The up side of this though... I may yet get a run in square tomorrow
Dec 2019
4:54pm, 14 Dec 2019
4,239 posts
Vancouver Jogger
Sorry to hear that Sam, but sounds the right decision. Personally I would rest up tomorrow too !
Dec 2019
5:41pm, 14 Dec 2019
2,294 posts
Hercule Grytpype-Thynne
A timely quote from Binks - 'there's no running issue that can't be fixed by more running.'
Dec 2019
9:59am, 15 Dec 2019
5,133 posts
Auld Lang Sigh
@clare1976 - my run has brought the game to a tie, I'm happy to leave it like that. Good luck for next week!