Who Squares Wins!

1 lurker | 174 watchers
Nov 2019
12:10pm, 26 Nov 2019
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Wriggling Snake
I see nothing wrong with recording all walking, wherever, whenever.
Nov 2019
12:13pm, 26 Nov 2019
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me too 100%.....just record it as walking (1 point) NOT as a run (2 points).
Nov 2019
12:18pm, 26 Nov 2019
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Vancouver Jogger
On Wallman’s request for confessions of undying devotion to WSW - on last week’s long run I considered writing a blog ‘when running becomes bad for your health’ as a reflection on my attitude towards WSW. I’ve gone from 30 miles a week spread over 5 runs to a 40-50 mile a weeker rapidly approaching a 4 week streak. Last week my daughter asked ‘well what do you win’? My answer was ‘nothing - and no one even knows who I am’. She walked off.
Nov 2019
12:34pm, 26 Nov 2019
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Daddy Shark
VJ, please do write that blog. I've written at (too much) length about WSW obsession/morality (the two topics du jour) in this blog: fetcheveryone.com/blog/16872/2019/9#blog397679

It came to a head in the first multiplayer final when I found myself running at 11pm once and teaching myself to run despite a torn achilles (the trick is to lock your ankle fully flexed; not recommended). I'm better now, and have imposed new rules on myself, that are not a moral statement (much) so I won't be sharing them, but are good for keeping a lid on my love of this game. Hence you winning 2:1 in recent weeks.

Good luck to you and JCB this week in what are effectively two 1v1s at once!
Nov 2019
1:11pm, 26 Nov 2019
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wsw got me an extra ~mile worth of short wiggles today :)

Whilst agreeing that V'rap is correct in her response to my musings, I am still wondering what would be considered within the spirit/or beyond the pale with regards out and back "jeffing" run-walks with even run and walk splits?
Nov 2019
1:52pm, 26 Nov 2019
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mr d
VJ are we allowed to discuss WSW outside of this forum, even with family?
Nov 2019
2:02pm, 26 Nov 2019
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If people really want to cheat, there's GPX track editors etc. out there - you could invent an entire week of training if you wanted. I don't think it is worthwhile putting in checks for sharp practice - the thought of being pilloried on here should be enough of a deterrent :-)

I don't bother to record walks because I don't want to wear a watch to go the shops or to cubs or any of the other things in the village I walk to. But OTOH, if I run with my wife, the pace might not be much above my brisk walk pace - I'd still record it as a run rather than a walk.
Nov 2019
2:08pm, 26 Nov 2019
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The first rule of Who Squares Wins is "run, walk and cycle increasingly convoluted routes in order to maximise squares coverage".

The second rule of Who Squares Wins is "do NOT talk about Who Squares Wins".

:-) :-) :-)
Nov 2019
2:37pm, 26 Nov 2019
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Vancouver Jogger
One of the implications of WSW is that I now cycle my other daughter to school 3 times a week. She knows all about squares and has even seen the map - it was the only way to explain why, every now and again, we take a turn into a cul-de-sac. She will now ask on the way home 'do we need to get any squares today?'

Unfortunately with this week's current positioning of my grid, 90% of the school run is off grid - but the cul-de-sac is still in, and so we went down it yesterday after school.
Nov 2019
2:44pm, 26 Nov 2019
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WSW has definitely affected my choice of route for short bike rides. And given me lots of opportunities to practise doing 180 degree turns on country lanes.

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