Ultra training for beginners

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May 2021
11:29am, 8 May 2021
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Derby Tup
Well done gg and your mam

I don’t get the pre-prescribed run / walk thing, but then everywhere we run is hilly and some relatively rough. Run what you can and walk what you need to, and be prepared to inevitably slow down
May 2021
12:20pm, 8 May 2021
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Yes DT :)
Regulated run-walk by the watch is for flatlanders like me, with relatively smooth trails and mainly gentle or non-existent hills.

I keep trying to go back to running steadily for longer but then I end up doing an ugly shuffle-plod to be able to run any distance. Run-walk means I can run "nicely" without running "hard" all the time. It also helps with practicing walking at a decent pace.

When it's hilly or rougher, then regulated run-walk goes out the window and it's more organic.

I'm trying to extend the run steady state distance I can do without it turning into a threshold session, but it's a very slow process!
May 2021
12:54pm, 8 May 2021
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I agree with DT, with one caveat; don't run everything you *can* in the early miles, and you might slow down less / later.
May 2021
1:02pm, 8 May 2021
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Thanks all good to know it doesn’t always work. I made sure I kept an eye on walk breaks as it is easy to settle into a nice walk break.
May 2021
1:37pm, 8 May 2021
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Derby Tup
jacdaw I think that’s good advice. It’s a matter of which is more efficient / sustainable / fun
May 2021
4:23pm, 8 May 2021
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Awesome job geordiegirl and geordiemam. I did a solid 4 hour stint covering 17 miles. Pretty much jeffing all the way. Felt pretty good but could have picked a flatter route :)
May 2021
6:27pm, 9 May 2021
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Injury paranoia.... I keep getting a sore top of my toe (4th toe left foot) & occasionally hot feeling under 3rd & 4th toe. I ran today in inov8 giving my feet a break from vibrams & it was more of a burning feeling & I had a thought left calf. Understandable following Friday’s long run & got the massage gun on it now.

Overall I’m pleased with the lack of aches but I’m so paranoid of a hot spot becoming a full blown injury 😂

Hoping a few runs with more cushioning will help.
May 2021
7:19am, 10 May 2021
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And today I have W red patch on the top of my foot. Not sure to touch but I’ll get off to see the physio I think - argh!!!!
May 2021
6:27pm, 12 May 2021
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Update on the foot - I have an issue with my calf that has tracked to the 3rd metatarsal, that there is no pain is good that the strength work he has had me do this week and the icing is hopefully good news that I caught it in time. I wont blather too much I blogged it. So I probably wont get another 30miler in pre race but I have the confidence in what I have done and with a couple of easy weeks he thinks I should be ok for around 20m then taper for the race.

How do you guys and other non fetchie ultra runners manage the balance of long runs and avoiding injury? Is it that I neglect my foam rolling and you all do it religiously? Is there any thing I should be doing that I'm not.

He did say my strength and stability was very good to where I was pre covid going to the classes so he said it was clear I've been doing the right things (I'll take the thumbs up on that) And I'm glad I identified there was something not right and dealt with it swiftly. Fingers crossed I caught it in time.
May 2021
6:45pm, 12 May 2021
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I tend to just keep going and trust that I've got a good sense of what pains I can ignore and "run better". This kept me going without a serious injury break for 10+ years.

I used to to a lot of stretching, yoga, strength work, etc. which I'm sure played a big part in not being injured, but this has fallen away the last couple of years.

I don't think the recent series of injuries is directly linked to this (2 badly strained sprained ankles, lower back issues, and cricked neck) but I suspect the fall of in my strength and flexibility work has an indirect part to play. It's definitely had a negative impact on my form and power and I really need to pull my finger out!

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Maintained by jacdaw
I'm planning to run a couple of ultra events next year and I'm looking for some general training i...

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