Sep 2017
9:44pm, 21 Sep 2017
20,267 posts
Red Squirrel
In Bristol you need to have sold completely as there's so much competition for homes.
Thank u for your good wishes folks. It's frustrating that i can't improve my situation. Not enough team members to rally.
Sep 2017
10:37pm, 21 Sep 2017
18,471 posts
That sucks RS. Hopefully it will work out for you in the end. Thinking back a couple of years you couldn't even have sold IIRC so you're in a better situation than you were, you can make it better again.
Is the sale moving through?
Sep 2017
8:54am, 22 Sep 2017
20,269 posts
Red Squirrel
I need to ring up about the sale today. No news my end although council have contacted me with "I hear you're selling" letters they *urgently* want to know where I'm going and who's moving in for council tax purposes.
Oct 2017
6:04pm, 3 Oct 2017
18,506 posts
I keep getting junk mail from removals firms, furniture firms etc. How do they know I'm moving?
Oct 2017
6:05pm, 3 Oct 2017
18,507 posts
And annoying demands from the buyers. Will we service the boiler? Get the electrics checked? Strengthen the roof trusses? (wtf, no!)
Oct 2017
6:47pm, 3 Oct 2017
20,305 posts
Red Squirrel
I imagine estate agents sell our details to list marketers coz it makes them money.
Your buyers are trying it on. Bloody cheek!
Oct 2017
8:23pm, 3 Oct 2017
18,508 posts
I know. Plus they want an indemnity policy because we had a wall taken down in 2003 and don't have building regs (probably because it didn't need it at the time). The house is still standing! The estate agent thought it was all ridiculous too.
I've offered the main bedroom wardrobes in lieu, they were put as £500 on the fixtures and fittings but I don't intend to take them anyway.
Oct 2017
8:44pm, 3 Oct 2017
248 posts
It's funny isn't it how some people respond to surveys. Our new house survey said you must get the gas and electric checked and get the boiler serviced. The boiler is less than 12 months old.
Oct 2017
11:06pm, 3 Oct 2017
18,509 posts
I think they say that on all of them. My new place is 12yo. The survey says the boiler may be expensive to repair as parts won't be available. Yet it's been serviced and is working and doesn't need repairing or replacing! Likewise the electrics, survey says they should be checked every 5-10y!
Electrician friend says getting electrics checked on a 30yo house (the one I'm selling) to today's standards would open a massive can of worms!!!
Oct 2017
3:01pm, 6 Oct 2017
18,517 posts
Buyers are organising their own checks I've been told.
Annoyingly just had a letter from the council about planning application for next door. I think the searches will have missed it, but I'm guessing I have to disclose it? Shame they didn't wait another month or so