
4 watchers
Feb 2017
3:10am, 19 Feb 2017
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Thanks, all!

Should have been clearer: we're set on the city/wider area (within commuting distance of Edinburgh), it's just within that area that we're pondering what the driving force within the compromise should be...

Timaru, 200km to go for a good walk, yikes! (For us, it's deciding between it being right out the back door or a bus journey away. :o)

Aww, McGoohan, thanks for the welcome back!
Feb 2017
9:01am, 19 Feb 2017
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mrs shanksi
I'm glad you're moving back to the East coast. What's the housing market like in Edinburgh at the moment? Lachlan is waiting to hear back from Edinburgh uni so if he gets an offer we'll be down for a look round.
Feb 2017
9:45am, 19 Feb 2017
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When I was at the stage you're at with a young family, my husband and I were both working full time and my priority was that a house should be easily accessible for work and for childcare/school options (not necessarily the catchment area of a single good school, as schools can change in a flash and not every child will do best in an Ofsted-Outstanding school), which I suppose is C2. It's impossible to overstate the benefits to parents of making your life and routines as logistically easy as possible.

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Say you were looking for a house for you and your family to live in for the next decade or longer. I...

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