May 2019
8:50am, 29 May 2019
2,598 posts
The diplomatic corps is where it's at, yo.
May 2019
9:02am, 29 May 2019
66,998 posts
Back on the watt bike this morning and more yoga. I can 100% confirm I have more hamstring flexibility than at any point in the last 10 years. The same may apply to my hips.
Still doesnt matter if my legs still fall apart racing but....
May 2019
9:20am, 29 May 2019
27,945 posts
Just need to get strong in the new ROM Gobi (which I'm sure you're working on).
Race well tonight.
May 2019
7:08pm, 29 May 2019
42,701 posts
May 2019
7:30pm, 29 May 2019
8 posts
Plodding Kath
Hello triathletes. Not sure if I’m asking on the right thread, but hope you can help.
Has anyone done Blenheim Palace tri? I’m having a go on Saturday and am v v v nervous. What’s the course like? Any advice?
Also, has anyone done Royal Windsor? Thanks doing that one in 2 weeks but there seems to be no parking! How do I get there? AND it seems to be swimming in the River Thames which is scaring the bejesus out of me. Any advice really appreciated!
May 2019
7:42pm, 29 May 2019
42,703 posts
You’re in the right place PK. Hopefully someone has done those events.
May 2019
7:45pm, 29 May 2019
1,928 posts
Hi Kath - I haven't done either, but I have swum in the Thames a few times, and I can tell you its not as scary as you think it'll be (in fact in some places near me you can actually see the river bed, so its not the polluted horror it used to be). I think the Blenheim tri bike course is supposed to be a bit er, 'rolling' ?
Advice wise - in T1 don't touch your bike before you've put your helmet on (and the reverse in T2, rack bike then helmet off), *try* to enjoy it, because this is what we do for fun let us know how you get on - and fetchmail me if you have any questions
May 2019
10:08pm, 29 May 2019
6,261 posts
Hello all. Just checking in to say that I'm doing the shortest tri I could find. Sunday. Tallington. Hells Bells is also on the entry list Has anyone else entered?
May 2019
10:45pm, 29 May 2019
9,808 posts
Welcome Kath, not done either, have you done much open water swimming?
As fragile says you'll be fine
Nice one H
May 2019
11:13pm, 29 May 2019
67,008 posts
I know the bike course, it is lumpy but ok.
2.24 for the 800 , won my race and basically solo time trialled.