May 2021
8:12pm, 31 May 2021
34,368 posts
markgall - Thanks for the detail. Definitely not too fast in the end then and sounds like the type of race why some don't wear a watch (or look at it if they wear one) as it can stop you potentially making a breakthrough as you slow down because it's too fast even though you feel fine or continue on but feel panicked which isn't helpful.
I've not really done this on track apart from track league but I never look at my watch in the road relays and just run off feel.
May 2021
10:57pm, 31 May 2021
1,902 posts
Any tips for quick recoveries between events? Going to my first meet on Sun and my last real track races were like 8/9 years ago and I did and 800 and 1500 at the same event. (Never done much track racing)
Sunday, I'm doing the 800, then the SC half an hour later, then the 4x400 relay at the end of the day. The 800 is my focus as want a pb. (Did a TT tonight and ran 2.22 with a strong headwind into the home straight and by myself after a 5k race yesterday so will be playing around the pb area). SC and relays are a bit of fun really.
Jun 2021
12:05am, 2 Jun 2021
34,372 posts
Don't think there's much you can do other than not do anything silly, do a short warm down to stay loose but nothing else. Three races will be tough though. Probably worth getting a later relay leg so you can jog it in if there's nothing to race for.
Jun 2021
7:39am, 2 Jun 2021
528 posts
I'm making a return to track and field tonight after an eleven year absence (bar the odd Fetch mile) at our local masters league meeting. Mainly entered for LJ and TJ, but also running a 100 just to see what happens, and jogging round the 800 and dropping a shot over the line to get the club some points. Slightly nervous as I've not sprinted for years, and not jumped for eleven years. PBs are out of the question, but there are some soft club records for MV50 LJ and TJ that I have my eye on!
Jun 2021
9:17am, 2 Jun 2021
86 posts
Best of luck EdJ
Jun 2021
10:32am, 2 Jun 2021
74,212 posts
All the best EdJ
I'm too slow to represent my club at Vets League and guests are still not allowed
Jun 2021
11:00am, 2 Jun 2021
34,373 posts
Hope it goes well EdJ and let me know if you want to add anything in the header.
Midlands Vet champs is on Sunday.
Jun 2021
11:52am, 2 Jun 2021
74,217 posts
I seem to have written this year off with the change of club, moving etc....
Always next year
Jun 2021
12:14pm, 2 Jun 2021
34,374 posts
You probably can still get some track league in as it's low profile this year with no promotion/ relegation and leagues staying local.
Always worth keeping an eye on the Nuneaton events as well.
Jun 2021
12:14pm, 2 Jun 2021
14,625 posts
Wow, too slow??! That must be a pretty pacy group of vets if you're too slow Gobi.