
2 lurkers | 214 watchers
Sep 2019
10:37am, 19 Sep 2019
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HappyG - vote for the party most likely to get in who isn't the Tories. Anything else may split the vote. I appreciate in Scotland, the Tories may be a distant 3rd or 4th in your constituency, but in England, that is a luxury we can't afford, any vote for a party allegiance when that party is down in 3rd is very risky.

Come a general election the Brexit party votes will fold (as did UKIPs), but the Lib Dems and Labour ones won't in the same way. Throughout history the right (and indeed fascists) have been much better at realising this and sticking together than the liberals and the left. Under FPTP that will be fatal.
Sep 2019
10:48am, 19 Sep 2019
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Unfortunately the risk there is that by voting Lib-Dem you enable another Tory/Lib-Dem coalition.

Brexit is not the only issue and when the leader of the Lib-Dems has voted with the Tory Whip more times than a significant number of Tory MPs themselves that's not a risk I'm prepared to take.
Sep 2019
10:51am, 19 Sep 2019
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paul the builder
How on earth could a Tory / Lid-Dem coalition come about in the next parliament? There's more likely to be a Tory / Labour one.

In the future - yes, you're right that's a possibility. But it's not a risk now. you're only lending them a vote for one election (if you choose).
Sep 2019
10:58am, 19 Sep 2019
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Wriggling Snake
The lib dems policy of revoking A50 is to snaffle votes from both the Labour and Conservative remain votes. That's fair enough. I would imagine they would do well to get 30 to 40 seats, but that would easily be enough for them to be the party that holds the key to a coalition, and that, even now would be with the Troies, and not Corbyn.

You could also argue Corbyn's position of so called neutrality could get Labour votes, but he has had (and therefore the Labour party have had) so many positions on Brexit, you cannot trust him, but also because, as we all know, he is a leaver.
Sep 2019
11:06am, 19 Sep 2019
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Chris - the post-election evidence suggests the "Youthquake" was more of a tremor. Was heavily overhyped.

Not saying YouGov are wrong, but more highlighting the fact that all the pollsters are weighting turnout of U40s very differently.

Which is one of the reasons for the volatility between various polls.

The economist has done a 538-style poll aggregator here (I don't have access): economist.com
Sep 2019
11:12am, 19 Sep 2019
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The important thing about that YouGov poll is more the LD gains.

As Rob Ford points out - if enough polls show that LDs are in a better place to beat the Cons than Lab, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: twitter.com
Sep 2019
12:38pm, 19 Sep 2019
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Would that be the YouGov founded by a former Tory Candidate (and still CEO) and a former Tory MP?

Sep 2019
1:17pm, 19 Sep 2019
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As long as their methodology is correct and transparent, molesy, it doesn't matter if their CEO has a bias towards one political party.

Ashcroft's polling company is also a (former?) Tory party member.

If the polling itself were bias or tainted that's a different argument.

Play the ball, not the man.
Sep 2019
1:19pm, 19 Sep 2019
2,315 posts
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Well I've certainly made the journey from "leave won fair enough I'm over it already what's the plan" to "Fuck you"

The Lib Dems have certainly tapped into my frustration with the leave passive aggressive bullshit.

Revoke and let 'em riot.....
Sep 2019
1:20pm, 19 Sep 2019
8,705 posts
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Not sure I take Peter Hitchen's advice on who to trust...

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