Things you want to say but can't

8 lurkers | 424 watchers
Nov 2020
2:22pm, 6 Nov 2020
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I guessed as much.
Nov 2020
2:24pm, 6 Nov 2020
7,046 posts
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[Thank you all for making me laugh this afternoon. I'm sure Tedious and Dreamies are not funny up close but after a lockdown baby funeral my funny bone needed tweaking. I ate the chocolate btw... ]

[And more hugs to all those whose patience is stretched thin]
Nov 2020
2:45pm, 6 Nov 2020
42,265 posts
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I don't want to be *that person*, but I'm going to be. Stop fucking replying all to congratulate a PhD candidate that I've never heard of. Please.
Nov 2020
3:14pm, 6 Nov 2020
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[it's a fine balance 1step... the only way to distract out dogs during fireworks, we have found out, is to feed them...... the fireworks were the worst we have Ever had last night and Cookie was beside himself...... really distressed at times..... however peanut butter in a kong helped for a while...... keep going with the treats - on balance it's probably better!]

I know you'd like to go for a walk. Yes, I know you know that you can only meet with ONE other person to go outside for a walk with. No, I REALLY don't think that I can walk with one of you and Dave can walk with the other and then it'll be OK as technically we KNOW that we've gone out as a group of four. Have you remembered what your son-in-law's job is? And is it fair to put him in that position?

[To be fair I have said this but it is still *really* bugging me..... or my mother is actually becoming more forgetful or showing signs of some-kind-of-aging/dementia as she constantly asks the same thing. TBH I think she goes by the continually saying stuff until you are worn down into agreeing because it's easier..... but that would be a Whole Different TYWYCSBC post......]
Nov 2020
3:22pm, 6 Nov 2020
13,828 posts
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Yorkshire Pie
[Phal - sympathies - I'm also having parental issues around lockdown rules at the moment]
Nov 2020
3:29pm, 6 Nov 2020
6,004 posts
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[I'm glad it tickled you Helegant :-) . Thanks Phal... will keep on with it and the Dreamies.]
Nov 2020
3:45pm, 6 Nov 2020
172 posts
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I booked the car in for an MOT with plenty of time before it expires after reading and acting upon the text reminders I received.
Nov 2020
3:57pm, 6 Nov 2020
6,392 posts
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I’m making good use of my time off. I am not sitting in front of BBC news and refreshing the Guardian front page. Couldn’t give a monkey’s about what’s happening across the pond. I am totally disinterested. Totally.
Nov 2020
4:02pm, 6 Nov 2020
49,619 posts
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[Bless you, phal, it's difficult. I had a conversation with a parent a few days ago that went, "I will visit you if you want me to, no matter what Nicola says, but given your situation and my job do you think it would be a good idea?"]
Nov 2020
4:19pm, 6 Nov 2020
10,958 posts
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ITG 🇮🇸


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