Feb 2017
3:16pm, 20 Feb 2017
35,528 posts
Oh, right. So that was you making a mountain out of a molehill too, just like the other thing was. I did say it was probably nothing to worry about, but you were determined to get yourself and as many other people as possible into a big emotional flap about it.
Feb 2017
3:20pm, 20 Feb 2017
4,627 posts
I didn't realise hypochondria was such a crippling and debilitating condition, you poor princess in search of a syndrome.
Feb 2017
3:21pm, 20 Feb 2017
4,628 posts
[V'rap - I know that person]
Feb 2017
4:05pm, 20 Feb 2017
35,530 posts
Why are you sending us all those emails to let us know that the hospitals are full? If someone needs to be in hospital, they need to be in hospital and we can't look after them at home. If someone doesn't need to be in hospital, we wouldn't send them in for fun. It only takes a few seconds to read them, but I could do without the notification that I've got another email.
Feb 2017
4:50pm, 20 Feb 2017
3,308 posts
Icelandic Trigirl
I was gone for 4 nights, 2 of which you all spent at grandma's. So how come the house looks like Kabul in the 1990s and baby hadn't jad a wash since I left?
Also: sticking clothed in a machine and pressing "on" is not "doing the washing'. You have to fold and put away the dry stuff and hang out the wetstuff. Now I have to wear a sports bra that was put straight in a plastic bag after a run and transported transAtlantic.
Feb 2017
6:34pm, 20 Feb 2017
11,327 posts
15th of March isn't the earliest I can book a GP appointment.
Feb 2017
7:24pm, 20 Feb 2017
33,167 posts
*is astonished/slightly jealous that ITG's kids bathe more frequently than every 4 days*
Feb 2017
8:06pm, 20 Feb 2017
1,694 posts
Longwayround [LWR]
So, you knew in November that you were going to be preaching at All Age Worship yesterday morning. You rocked up and told us that you'd finished preparing your service just before one in the morning. You chose ancient hymns, droned on for twenty minutes while failing to make any point after the first five. No part of your service suggested you had paid any attention to the fact that this was supposed to be All Age Worship. And numbers of people attending Methodist worship are plummeting. No, you are not the one person responsible for this situation. But, for God's sake, make an effort.
Feb 2017
8:10pm, 20 Feb 2017
1,638 posts
Yeah, didn't see him dropping out.
Oh wait, I did.
Right you lot, the next time I push for contingency plans I expect a lot less resistance! (who am I kidding? )
Feb 2017
12:24am, 21 Feb 2017
8,335 posts
Maz Heeps
We are unpaid volunteers who do the best they can. Some Runners don't take rules, steering and guidance despite the best efforts of the leaders.
And finally I think that's a shit email to send and fuckin grow a pair, if you're not happy with something speak up in realtime and challenge the behaviour of your fellow runners