Feb 2017
12:55pm, 21 Feb 2017
4,422 posts
I am perfectly happy to be sat in a car being driven by your driver to collect my car, and even happier for him to answer his mobile phone (a call from your service department) and for him to continue driving along with the phone in his hand. It is not illegal, it is not unsafe and I have not just made a formal complaint!
Feb 2017
3:25pm, 21 Feb 2017
1,558 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Oreo-cat is safe at home asleep and is not currently at a vet's because he has been terrorising another person's cats and that person thought he was a stray.
I'm not going to miss my group run tonight because I don't have to pick the bloody cat up from the vet.
Feb 2017
3:46pm, 21 Feb 2017
1,028 posts
[At least you know where he is now, safe and well I hope]
Feb 2017
3:57pm, 21 Feb 2017
35,541 posts
[I love the idea that FDNB has just discovered that her cat is The Wrong Crowd.]
Feb 2017
4:02pm, 21 Feb 2017
5,351 posts
It's hot here and I'm not actually sitting as wrapped up as I would be at home (and slightly colder...)
Feb 2017
4:10pm, 21 Feb 2017
4,635 posts
Your fall from grace has been spectacular, hasn't it?
Feb 2017
4:21pm, 21 Feb 2017
1,559 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
[my husband said it felt a bit like being a parent who had just been told their child is the local bully 😄]
Feb 2017
4:29pm, 21 Feb 2017
35,543 posts
[It could be worse. I remember a feature in one of the newspapers written by someone who used to let his two sweet-natured dogs go off roaming together and it was only when they were caught in the act that he discovered they spent their adventure-time ripping the throats out of entire flocks of sheep.]
Feb 2017
4:44pm, 21 Feb 2017
4,636 posts
I know you neither of you eat sausages but guys, seriously all this excessive faffage is really sizzle, not sausage. It's not that important. It's time to stop sweating the small stuff and get on with your jobs.
Feb 2017
4:54pm, 21 Feb 2017
35,544 posts
Why do you fart more when you eat healthy food than when you eat rubbish? Let me refer you to the doctor who's the specialist on this subject. She's called Dr Google and she has all the time in the world to explain it to you in detail.