Things you want to say but can't

424 watchers
Feb 2017
6:49pm, 21 Feb 2017
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So you swapped with the person who was on today, to let them prepare for a talk. But you are also doing a talk, and so you can't take any calls unless they're really urgent. Not great when our clients are starting to comment on how difficult it is to talk to one of you lot here. And I don't know how urgent that call was - I was too busy trying to ignore other calls coming in, whilst answering the door, whilst booking in work, and generally being the fucking gate-keeper of all things here. Here's an idea - phone him back.
Feb 2017
7:01pm, 21 Feb 2017
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Fragile Do Not Bend
Dear neighbour (I don't know which one you are because the vet wouldn't say), thank you for your concern for the welfare of our cat. I don't know all the details as I'm hearing this third hand but if Oreo has been hanging around for several months and giving your cats grief, why did you keep feeding him therefore encouraging him to keep going back? And how did you think a 9kg cat that wasn't losing any weight over the months was a stray?

Instead of taking him to the vets and distressing him (he HATES being in a box), why not ask around if anyone owned him or put some posters up or something. And why the fuck take him to a vet the other side of town when there is one a couple of miles away in the next village?

[He's home now and ate two sachets of food straight off, he has a HUGE scab on his face 😳 and now he wants a cuddle]
Feb 2017
7:09pm, 21 Feb 2017
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[FDNB - totally feel your pain. When I was an animal rescue officer for an animal welfare charity, my heart would always sink when a cat job came in, as this was exactly what was going on the vast majority of the time. Nothing wrong with the cat, but the people had most often started feeding it, then didn't want it hanging around, and would make up a story to get someone to get rid of it]
Feb 2017
7:59pm, 21 Feb 2017
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Fragile Do Not Bend
[It gets worse, apparently this neighbour had called in the Cats Protection to get him, so why the hell didn't the CP person scan Oreo for a chip before carting him off to a vet miles away? The CP person also thought he was an unneutered tom, a quick check under the tail would have answered that question surely?]
Feb 2017
9:18pm, 21 Feb 2017
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[I had two rescue cats, one disappeared and I noticed him in the window of a house I backed onto. I went round to said house and asked if I could have my cat back, the old lady living there asked which one was it because she had 9 of them! When she brought him to me the little fucker scratched me to death and legged it back into her kitchen to eat his salmon!]
Feb 2017
9:19pm, 21 Feb 2017
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[he had a collar and a name tag and address and phone number and everything, I gave up in the end and let him live there]
Feb 2017
8:05am, 22 Feb 2017
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[CP often don't have access to scanners for chips as the whole region may share one (due to lack of money) so they usually do take cats to vets to be scanned. CP also usually use the same vets for their own organisational reasons.]
Feb 2017
8:59am, 22 Feb 2017
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Lesley C
Why are you asking that?
Feb 2017
9:12am, 22 Feb 2017
1,563 posts
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Fragile Do Not Bend
[Fair enough Cyclops, maybe I should buy them one! 😀 The local pets lost and found Facebook group often has people replying to posts saying they will come out and check an animal for a chip so I thought the scanners were more widespread. I don't know what charity those people are from though]
Feb 2017
10:13am, 22 Feb 2017
1,567 posts
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Fragile Do Not Bend
My husband can find a plumber who wants to do some work.

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