Feb 2012
8:43am, 15 Feb 2012
12,220 posts
Well done snout, you are going to smash that 3.30
Feb 2012
9:05am, 15 Feb 2012
12,260 posts
Fenland Runner
Smout is going sub-3:10 definitely!!!
Feb 2012
9:19am, 15 Feb 2012
1,150 posts
Jovi Runner
I'm hoping to have another go at sub 3:30 at VLM this year although I find its not the easiest race to target a PB due to crowds etc. After the disaster that was last year (PF) saw me limping home in 4:30ish - walked/limped from 8 miles! I did 3:45 quite comfortably at Enigma last week so am cautiously optomistic. If I dont manage it at London will leave for an autumn attempt./ I am buoyed on by the fact that someone I just pipped in a marathon 18 months ago and who is the same age/has same sort of PBs as me did 3;28 at London 2011 and is going for sub 3:15 this year so I think it is doable. My biggest problem is the psychological barrier of having to run sub 8 min miles for 26.2 miles!
Feb 2012
9:25am, 15 Feb 2012
6,200 posts
If you want to run 3.29.59, I personally think that setting off at 7.45 pace is totally suicidal.
The first time I went sub 3.30, several people who were also going for sub 3.30 went in a group, ran 7.45s and left me behind. I was running 7.55s. I overtook them all at some point and ran 3.28. None of the people that set off at 7.45 pace ran sub 3.30. They all missed it by a few minutes or more. It's different if you think you are capable of 3.20, but if you think 3.30 is about where you are, its 7.55s all the way for me.
Feb 2012
9:36am, 15 Feb 2012
12,261 posts
Fenland Runner
Gymfreak, I plan to start in the low 8s but hope to be at ten miles in 80 minutes and twenty miles in 160 minutes.
Feb 2012
10:17am, 15 Feb 2012
12,221 posts
agree with GF, not that I have done 3.30 but say for when going for sub 4 or other goals. If you think you are on the cusp of being capable of a certain time the more you overshoot and try to bank time the more likely you are to blow up. I tend to run fairly even pace and, like GF have so often set off at target pace, maybe faded a bit but even when fading passed those people setting off with the same time goal but wanting to bank time. Mostly they come a cropper unless they are in 3.50 shape for a sub 4 for example.
J, if you did 3.45 taking it easy and without a taper at the Enigma then 3.30 should be doable. I am not yet ready for 3.30 on the road (my PB is 3.37 on road 3.30 on track done a few weeks later). but I did 3.48 at Enigma running quite comfrotably so was thinking take off a few mins for it being a long course (26.7 on Mr G), just over a minute for wee and being attacked by dog, a few mins for the inclines and ice cos the ice def slowed me, I was tip toeing some bits and a min or so for stopping at the check point to sort my food on a few laps. Once you take all that into account that takes me close to my Abingdon 3.37 for a lot less effort so I think that I should beable to get about 3.33-3.34 if I were to do a flat marathon in a few weeks ( I dont have one planned though)!
Feb 2012
11:31am, 15 Feb 2012
1,707 posts
All that said, sometimes going with how you feel works. When I did 3:25 at Portsmouth, I'd done a couple of 3:39s and still thought 3:30 was a way off. However, on the day I set off at 7:34 for the first two miles, felt good and settled into around 7:45 on average, which got me 3:25:01 (last two full miles were 7:37 and 7:23 into the wind, chasing sub-3:25).
Feb 2012
11:54am, 15 Feb 2012
3,781 posts
Thanks folks. Avg 8:09 for a 20 miler last week but that a lot more even an with company. The 22 has to be about the hardest run on my plan - a solo progressive *that* far
FR isn't far wrong - I'm hoping to set off at 7:20 Have a long MP run planned next week to try it out again after a successful 16 with 10 @ pmp 3 weeks ago
As for pacing - yep even or slight negative split is prolly best (an hopefully be my plan this time) BUT just sometimes folk don't know what they can do. I would've been glad of 4:30 or 4:15 for my 1st Mara but ran with KatyPie till I broke away at maybe 15 miles an finished a couple of minutes ahead to get Sub 4. Yes i did die a painful near death, i had no watch an was trying to work it put from others i could find the time from an kept willing myself on.
So...... Yes.... Don't limit yourself to a milestone but try to listen to your body, your training an see how you feel sometimes.
Feb 2012
12:00pm, 15 Feb 2012
12,223 posts
Agree on the point that sometimes you don't know what you can do. I def limited myself in the past I did 3.52 2 years ago then had injury and also lost weight.
For my first road marathon back and the first one where I was going to make an effort I was thinking I would do just over 4 hours. I deliberately set off too fast to get around the crowds and felt ok. Then I said to myself let's see if I can get to half way in under 2 hours then I can back off. Got there felt ok and kept going. ended up doing 3.49 3 weeks later on a hillier course I had the confidence that I could do that pace and ended up doing 3.46 The week later on a flat course I thougth let's see if I can knock a bit off but doesn't matter if I cant already happy with me time and did 3.37 3 weeks later on a track aimed to go a bit faster and did 3.31
No way would I have thougth I could do that, the stepping stones were a confidence builder. I suspect that along the way the earlier marthons were acting as training for the final one
Feb 2012
12:00pm, 15 Feb 2012
6,204 posts
I got my first big chunk off my time doing it that way emdee when I went from 3.41 to 3.35. I think its easier to do that when you have lots of marathons under your belt. If its one of your first few, I wouldn't recommend it!! When's your 3.15 happening anyway? Or do you just like me still being officially faster?