Jan 2012
9:36pm, 12 Jan 2012
11,966 posts
Fenland Runner
puffinnuffin, I will be out on a limb with this comment BUT I seriously don't believe you need intevals to go sub-3:30, you already have the pace required. It's areobic capacity that you need to work on!
Jan 2012
9:41pm, 12 Jan 2012
248 posts
Brian G
FR - I'd agree with that, no need for Intervals.
Jan 2012
9:43pm, 12 Jan 2012
1,142 posts
FR - BG - so basically just concentrate on gradually upping the weekly mileage and forget about speedwork?
Jan 2012
9:51pm, 12 Jan 2012
1,227 posts
Evening all, Im aiming for sub 3:30 at Brighton, trying to do a slightly modified P&D schedule upto 55 miles p/w.
So far training has gone well, no speed work as such yet, a couple of tempo runs, but no interval/fartleks etc
Jan 2012
9:53pm, 12 Jan 2012
249 posts
Brian G
Slowfish - I used HH Int 2 like you, for Abingdon in October and it worked for me. I pretty much followed it too the letter, no intervals, just plenty of miles and as FR said this improved my aerobic capacity. I didnt need to be doing stuff under say 7minute miling, just needed to be able to go at a reasonable pace but to have the capacity aerobically to do that for mile after mile after mile.
As they say everyones different but for me in October it worked a treat.
Jan 2012
10:04am, 13 Jan 2012
26,174 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
As Smout says I'm GONNA DO IT I am !!!
Jan 2012
10:05am, 13 Jan 2012
26,175 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
How did you make those massive gains in 2011 Brian just HH plan ??
Jan 2012
10:07am, 13 Jan 2012
9,621 posts
Hi all, still reading but not yet venturing in. Would love to give this a blast at Brighton too, but we'll see how coming bcak from injury goes. So far it's slow and steady, so maybe yet another trip to Abingdon may be in order...
Jan 2012
11:31am, 13 Jan 2012
250 posts
Brian G
HOD - Started running in Aug 2010 to get myself fit enough to start a marathon training schedule for London in 2011. For that I used RW Smartcoach for a while until it broke me, I think it was the classic combination of being new to running, building up mileage too quickly and incorporating speed work all at the same time. (oh and smartcoach - in my opinion - being rubbish)
At London in April I did 4:05 (was aiming for 3:45ish) and then in October I did Abingdon and did 3:25. After London I did some local races around the 10K mark, making up the training as I went along. For Abingdon I used only Hal Higdon intermediate 2, no speedwork. I think there are a few reasons for the improvement between my 2 marathons, the 1st being simply that I'd been running for longer and left much stronger, the 2nd being HH Int 2. Focused purely on aerobic capacity, the only thing I changed was towards the end of the plan was that I did more running at target marathon pace than in the plan, for me this just gave me confidence that I could do it. At the end of HH I just knew I could do sub 3:30 if everything went ok on the day, I felt strong and confident even though I was aiming for a big chunk of time off from London.
I have the Word document for Int 2 if you'd like me to email it to you, I think this is basically what they'd email you each day with what to do for each training session .I think you have to pay for it know on the HH website!
Since Abingdon I've been doing speedwork which has seen my 5 & 10k times come down quite a bit.
Jan 2012
11:57am, 13 Jan 2012
1,143 posts
I'm currently following HH Int 2 too. So far so good but early doors. I like the fact that majority of the weekly miles are loaded at the weekend and that a Sat PMP run of 6/7/8 miles is followed on Sunday by the long run, so you're doing LSR on heavy legs. I haven't ruled out doing speedwork mainly because th e weekly club session I still want to go to will probably include some fast paced stuff.
First marathon was just under 4 but aim was just to finish - this time I really want to push myself!