Jan 2007
12:17pm, 15 Jan 2007
0 posts
Did 47 miles last week with long run of 16 and a couple of speed sessions. A good start
Jan 2007
12:46pm, 15 Jan 2007
0 posts
Pretty poor so far. Last couple of weeks I've not got above 30 miles a week and missed my last 2 long runs.
Been a bit poorly with colds and stuff, but that's just a reason, not and excuse for the low mileage. I have managed a couple of off road races though.
I'm, in theory, in week 5 of an 18 week schedule, so it's time to knuckle down.
Jan 2007
1:15pm, 15 Jan 2007
0 posts
Forest Runner
I wouldn't worry too much 360. I'm at the same stage, i.e. week 5 of an 18 week schedule, but I didn't do weeks 1 & 2, because I didn't know that I was going to be running London. I didn't run for most of November and December and at this stage of the schedule, the mileage is still fairly low anyway. Having run Abingdon in October will have helped and it won't be like starting from scratch again.
I'm following the HH AII schedule this time and it actually has less miles than HH AI. I think the extra day's speedwork will do me good though (if my back holds out).
Jan 2007
1:19pm, 15 Jan 2007
0 posts
I'm following the same FR, although I've upped the long runs to 22/23 miles a piece.
Jan 2007
1:27pm, 15 Jan 2007
0 posts
Forest Runner
I did my marathon pace run on Saturday on a treadmill. MP for a 3:15 is about 7:26 per mile, which is roughly equal to 13kph (our treadmills are metric only). I had to do 6 miles, so I set it up for 9.8k, which is a little bit more. In some ways I found it easier than on the road, because I didn't have to make a conscious effort to think about the pace, but in other ways I found it harder as there wasn't much to distract me.
I also did my LSR of 13 miles on the treadmill yesterday. Longest I've ever done on a treadmill and dead boring too, especially when the match on tv was Spurs V Newcastle. Working Saturdays and Sundays every other weekend is going to mean that I might have to do a fair amount of treadmill training. It was good to get out on the road this morning to do my recovery run.
Jan 2007
12:25am, 21 Jan 2007
0 posts
Boing, Just to keep up with the other marathon threads. Hope training with those with this target is going well. Also to see what your plans are re the marathon: even pace thoughout? how about wearing a running belt/carrying gels/water?
Jan 2007
7:27am, 21 Jan 2007
0 posts
st b, Good luck with the race today - hope you have a good un and that the weather is OK.
Jan 2007
9:02am, 21 Jan 2007
0 posts
Fifteen unudulating (which means hilly compared to where I normally train!) miles for me this morning at Folksworth. Must remember that despite it being a race it's not, it's just another LSR...
Pacing plan - steady. I usually take the very first mile a bit quicker to wake me up (after a warmup of course!) and then settle into an even pace, pushing at the end if I have anything left.
Water plan - I'm doing FLM so I'm happy with the water and carb drink provisions on the course, so won't carry anything else.
Jan 2007
2:23pm, 21 Jan 2007
0 posts
Just back from Brass Monkey half - I paced my wife round and managed to stick to 8:30 pace pretty much all the way. I somehow need to learn how to stick to an even pace myself. Like you katie, I go off quite fast as I don't like being bunched. Thing is, I don't slow down until it's too late!
I'll be taking my own gels as I need that independence and peace of mind.
Jan 2007
7:06pm, 21 Jan 2007
0 posts
Raced Brass Monkey today, and was very pleased with how it went - splits were all within 15 seconds of my average - and a negative split by a few seconds with ramping up the pace in the last mile and making up 5 places.