The Retirement Thread

2 lurkers | 175 watchers
Aug 2023
3:11pm, 29 Aug 2023
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MM I was thinking maybe swimming teaching in winter (using gym for fitness!) then summer full time athlete when I get there!!
Aug 2023
3:15pm, 29 Aug 2023
38,907 posts
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
My immediate plan once retired is to get the house and garden in tip top condition ready for when we put it on the market, there aren’t any major jobs, freshening up paintwork, tidy garden and decide what to do at the front for kerbside appeal, then keep on top of jobs until Jigs decides to retire, other than that, more running, more walking and more dressmaking, once we have both retired and moved to Derbyshire we have lots of exploring to do.
Aug 2023
3:17pm, 29 Aug 2023
46,188 posts
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def need to tidy the garden that's for sure
Aug 2023
3:17pm, 29 Aug 2023
4,040 posts
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I wouldnae bother too much doing up a house before selling it. Lots of folks buy then rip them apart.
Aug 2023
3:33pm, 29 Aug 2023
109,520 posts
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That is why I am leaving my estate 50/50 to my niece and nephew. My sister doesn't need it. They will be of an age that they can actually use it. Not that I intend to have much spare cash if I can avoid it.
Aug 2023
3:43pm, 29 Aug 2023
4,526 posts
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There always this place Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) πŸ˜‚

Congrats JDA 😎
Aug 2023
3:51pm, 29 Aug 2023
65,110 posts
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I think I've pretty much resolved that we won't move from here. The one disadvantage of where we are is that it's a very small town, but there's some housebuilding going on and if the population grows I'd expect more amenities. The house itself is decent quality considering it was built this century, with well proportioned rooms, good soundproofing (my parents' house is abysmal in that regard), lots of garden, a double garage, and the neighbours are great.
Aug 2023
3:56pm, 29 Aug 2023
33,897 posts
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There sounds like lots of good reasons to stay Vrap. Although there are positives to our current location the Ness household will probably move at some point. I'm hoping next summer but it might end up being later than that. Before that, in the short term, we have a short autumn break planned for my recovery after Chester and a month away in winter to somewhere lovely and warm!
Aug 2023
3:58pm, 29 Aug 2023
38,910 posts
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
There always this place Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) πŸ˜‚

Do you think they will accept an offer around 300k? Curly45 πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
Aug 2023
3:59pm, 29 Aug 2023
46,193 posts
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I can confirm that the lake district cavern is indeed lovely

Our place has everything we need in terms of amenities but it's location could be improved
and it doesn't have my gym or nice runs! :-P

About This Thread

Maintained by Sigh
A place for baggy spaciousness: "The quality of time, soft attention and ease that we could enjoy 'doing nothing' "
(thanks to TheScribbler for the term (p1516)!)
( see also:
and )

Retirees Hall of Fame
star gribb0 star (20.12.24)
star 3M star (18.12.24)
Jigs (25.09.24)
Synge (30.08.24)
Silvershadow (02.08.24)
Hibeedeb (02.08.24)
Winniefree (08.07.24, 2nd attempt)
EvilPixie (24.06.24)
Snail (21.06.24)
GregP (14.06.24) (after part retirement 31.03.23)
Fizz :-) (13.06.24)
Jaks (15.05.24) (third time of retiring)
HellsBells (31.03.24) (orig. May 2018)
TROSaracen (07.02.24)(semi retired since mid 2019)
Hanneke (01.02.24)
Jenni-far-far (28.12.23)
FergusG (22.12.23)
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) (11.12.23)
eL Bee! (30.11.23)
Lip Gloss (22.11.23)
jda (28.08.23)
RFJ (23.08.23)
Sigh (28.07.23)
Schnecke (end of school term 07.23)
Sharkie (05.07.23)
Ally-C (08.06.23)
Rebel (12.05.23)
CogNoscensme AHA (07.04.23)
Windsor Wool (05.04.23)
Bob! (30.03.23)
Velociraptor (21.03.23)
Garfield (provisional, 27.02.23) (see p.699)
ThorntonRunner (20.12.22)
MaltDrinker (30.07.21)
DoricQuine (15.06.21)
Mandymoo (21.05.21)
Eynsham Red (06.05.21)
GimmeMedals (31.08.20)
Steve NordRunner (01.08.19)
um (May 2017)
macca 53 (31.10.17)
XB (07.07.16)
Flatlander (November 2011)
Johnny Blaze
K5 Gus
Northern Exile
Nick Cook

[other names to follow, on request]

In the Waiting Lounge, with one eye on the door

Roobarb (20.12.2024)
Marmite (01.01.25)
McGoohan (15.01.25)
dobbers (28.02.25, tbc)
Dillthedog (27.03.25 confirmed)
westmoors (31.03.25 confirmed)
Bazoaxe (June 2025)
B Rubble (June 2025)
geordiegirl (target: July 2025)
GeneHunt59 (target: July 2025)
RRR-CAZ (September 2025)
Bigleggy (target: December 2025)
HappyG (target: end of 2025 at the earliest)

Runningbauble21 (target: June 2026)
MadWelshWoman (target: Summer 2026)
cathrobinson (target: 2026 onwards)
OverTheHillToo (target: approx. 2026)

Diogenes (17.03.27)

Hills of Death (HOD) (April 2026-April 2030)
Gromit (July 2030)
CK2 (2030)

[other names to follow, on request]

Just browsing at the moment

Daz Love
DIY Diva

[other names to follow, on request]

Retirement Failures

Currently empty :-)

[other names to follow, on request]

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