The lets motivate each other to do our strength and core work thread...

1 lurker | 147 watchers
Nov 2011
9:48pm, 2 Nov 2011
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Just done, boss. Twas doing them that made me think of posting on the thread as recommended by Lil', who I'm sure is gutted to have missed the opportunity to nag me ;-)
Nov 2011
9:49pm, 2 Nov 2011
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That man... I did an abridged version of core just now. I'm working from home so will be able to do more plus stretching tomorrow morning before I start work.

10 pressups (girlie ones...I'm not currently strong enough to do full ones like I could years ago)
20 launching feet into the air (don't know what they're called but works lower abs)
some pilates bits and pieces including bridge several times, holding for a minute at a time.

Tomorrow I'll do some planks and some more press ups and more pilates and some real stretching.
Nov 2011
9:51pm, 2 Nov 2011
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My physio, who is rather bonkers, genuinely seems to consider the state of my core muscles something of a tragedy. She calls me 'you poor thing'
Nov 2011
9:52pm, 2 Nov 2011
6,206 posts
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MissC - Bah! Missed opportunity!! ;)

Garfield - "launching feet into the air" :-o Are you sure you're doing it right??
Nov 2011
9:53pm, 2 Nov 2011
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I'm always available for nagging, Lil' I'm usually not doing something I should be doing or doing something I shouldn't be doing.
Nov 2011
6:54am, 3 Nov 2011
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The Terminator
Done and logged for the day. My core is starting to get real upset now, no more until Sunday...

Bike crunches 20 per side
press ups 20
crunches 20
heel touches 20 per side
leg pushaways 20 per side
side plank dips 10 per side
Plank 1 minute
Nov 2011
6:55am, 3 Nov 2011
4,291 posts
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The Terminator
Not sure how my legs will feel on tonights run after the kettlebell workout either?
Nov 2011
8:50am, 3 Nov 2011
987 posts
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Lil, yes I'm sure I'm doing it's something hubby taught me years ago and only last year was I able to do it easily. Lie on back with legs pointing straight up at ceiling, then have abs send legs/feet reaching for the ceiling. I only used to be able to go up a very tiny amount when hubby introduced me to that exercise. I can now go a few inches up.
Nov 2011
8:54am, 3 Nov 2011
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Old Croc
did two sets of week 1 from Anita Bean book last night - hard work after Tuesday night's intervals!
Nov 2011
9:02am, 3 Nov 2011
1,175 posts
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*polishes halo after reading RichHL's post on the last page*

My initial plan was to do 2 weight sessions & 1 longer core session a week (my weights involves core stuff too). But this thread has got me obsessed! Even my running is starting to slip and I'm always thinking about when I'm going to fit in a core session next. Which, in case you're wondering will be 5pm on the dot when I finish work (I'm WFH so no commute today :-))

I'm starting be worried that I'm not working hard enough though. It hurts while I do the exercises, but I'm not sore the day after anymore. Or maybe I'm just superfit (stop laughing you lot :-))

About This Thread

Maintained by MaT.T
This is the place to motivate, share ideas and plans and tell us success stories regards improvements in your running and day to day life as a result of your strength and core work.

Pfitzinger's core conditioning for runners -

Beginner Triathlete Hard Core Exercises -

Physio room core strengthening programme -

Runner's World basic strength moves -

Dynamic stretching exercises (Warm up) -

Static stretching exercises (Cool down) -

5 pilates beginners exercises to try -

10 min pilates abs workout on this page of the thread -

20 minute killer core workout on this page of the thread -

Man maker kettlebell workout on this page of the thread -

10 minute ab workout on this page of the thread-

Beginners Pilates workout on this page of the thread -

Standing Core exercises -

10 minute core work out cyclists:,0

Mo farah and Galen Rupp stability routine -

Core H ten minute plan on this page of the thread -

10 minute pilates abs workout on this page of the thread

Standing core workout

200 sit up challenge

Jillian MIchaels Six week six pack workout level one, 30 day shred level 1, 2 and 3 on this page

Kettlebell core exercises on this page of the thread

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  • core
  • exercises
  • health
  • injury
  • training

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