Nov 2011
8:29pm, 3 Nov 2011
1,187 posts
Good work Rich
Nov 2011
8:32pm, 3 Nov 2011
2,256 posts
Thank you, but this is hurty left over from yesterday. Bending to tie my laces this morning would have been comedic for anyone with a webcam in my hotel room.
Nov 2011
8:36pm, 3 Nov 2011
1,188 posts
*rewinds cctv video*
Nov 2011
8:52pm, 3 Nov 2011
2,258 posts
Don't rewind too far. That loo was barely habitable for half an hour this morning.
Nov 2011
10:48am, 4 Nov 2011
4,295 posts
The Terminator
I am aching today. Especially my legs form all those squats with the kettlebell yesterday. Just a gentle cycle to and from work for me today, 12 mile round trip. No more core until Sunday!
Nov 2011
10:55am, 4 Nov 2011
26,201 posts
Some core work this morning after running
Nov 2011
1:33pm, 4 Nov 2011
1,043 posts
5 days in and 50 crunches per day; tomorrow morning will be a huge test for me.
Well done to all those above who have managed to keep going
Nov 2011
3:06pm, 4 Nov 2011
797 posts
As someone else pointed out on this thread, core muscles are just like any muscle and benefit from rest. If people are doing Core every day, I'd suggest focusing on different muscle groups on consecutive days so that you give them some recovery time.
Nov 2011
3:21pm, 4 Nov 2011
1,044 posts
Thats not going to get me a 6 pack by sunday week though is it?
Nov 2011
3:23pm, 4 Nov 2011
2,105 posts
Gentle work on the core is fine every day -- they are muscles which are naturally used pretty much all the time. If you've worked to the point of DOMS then rest the muscle. Those are the guidelines my Pilates teacher gave me.
Anita Bean's fab abs book has arrived