The Great Bigleggy Sunflower Growoff 2016

15 watchers
May 2016
9:26am, 30 May 2016
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Just catching up.

Purps I luvs ya soooo much! I've been lol for pages.

I, as impartial judge, am declaring an additional prize.

The Benty McBentstem Memorial Prize.

This will kind of 'the wooden spoon' award. The puniest/smallest/stragliest survivor of them all will win this one.

Please add it to the list 'leggy
May 2016
12:32pm, 30 May 2016
5,782 posts
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Fizz has control of the header :-)

All my sunflowers are now planted out :-) No more pots to worry about!!!

Grow my beauties ... ......
May 2016
1:22pm, 30 May 2016
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Mine are popping up like daisies :-) I seem to have one runt of the litter though, stem but no leaves :-O
May 2016
1:44pm, 30 May 2016
1,675 posts
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Elsie Too
I'm going out now to plant mine out.
I have one runt too, the others are about 30 cm tall with 6 leaves but I have one that still has just 2 leaves and is only about 5 cm tall.
May 2016
2:20pm, 30 May 2016
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Wriggling Snake
Mine are doing well now, all in big pots, when is the next photo-session? I still don't trust the snails to get to them, even thoug mine have been outside from day 1 almost, but worried as I am going away soon, so it could be make or break.....
May 2016
2:28pm, 30 May 2016
12,661 posts
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I am trying to find a good location for the guerrilla ones. I picked half a dozen slugs off a couple of plants last night.
May 2016
2:41pm, 30 May 2016
12,079 posts
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Wriggling Snake
Indeed, trouble is my pots are quit big now, so I would be a very noticeable, slow-moving guerrilla
May 2016
3:07pm, 30 May 2016
33,862 posts
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I have new ones popping up. I'll give it a few days then take a picture of any recent arrivals and Benty Mcbentstem's mate who so far isn't bent but is likely to if I move him, so he's staying in his little pot for now
May 2016
3:47pm, 30 May 2016
5,783 posts
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When you move benty2 only handle him by the leaves, not the stem
May 2016
3:57pm, 30 May 2016
33,863 posts
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benty2 and the next contenders! 4,2 of them shouted up the other day, one in the middle about to pop and another that showed itself this morning.

Come on.

BTW I like the memorial prize idea.

About This Thread

Maintained by Merry Fizzmas :-)
Tallest wins
Secondary winner for the one with the biggest head :-)

End date 15th September

Roll Call

M4P's 'E'

Alice the Camel
Wriggling Snake
Mrs Jigs
Elsie Too
Pou Pou LePhoõk

Judge (but not judgemental)

Sushi. fish

Judge's Special Award

The Benty McBentstem Memorial Prize for the puniest/smallest/stragliest survivor.

Related Threads

  • challenges
  • garden
  • sunflowers

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