Jun 2019
12:48pm, 10 Jun 2019
4,532 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
The dishwasher is my husband’s job, but I get annoyed that anything he uses during the day gets left on the side or in the sink until he loads the whole lot in the dishwasher at the end of the day.
Jun 2019
12:49pm, 10 Jun 2019
8,614 posts
Son of a Pronator Man
Is this the first in a series of threads about first world/ middle class problems?
Jun 2019
12:50pm, 10 Jun 2019
12,864 posts
I worry about those that have a garlic press (yes, first-world worry)
Jun 2019
12:57pm, 10 Jun 2019
9,517 posts
Definitely, SoaM.
Jun 2019
12:59pm, 10 Jun 2019
18,085 posts
I am best at some aspects of loading our dishwasher.
It has a special shelf for lethal knives.
Jun 2019
1:02pm, 10 Jun 2019
9,518 posts
So does ours, Chris The one at work has an extra little tray right at the very top for cutlery, instead of a basket!
Jun 2019
1:20pm, 10 Jun 2019
9,089 posts
Business end up for cutlery, except the really sharp pointy knives. Each type in it's own section of the basket to ease/speed putting away. Spoons not spooning if it can be avoided. Teaspoons in either of the the specially raised compartment in the basket so that their bowls are level with the rest of the cutlery tops. Also not spooning. (Unless we've been posh and used the cake forks, then they get one "teaspoon"compartment to themselves.) Nothing with egg on, since it sets solid. (Cheese sauce isn't great either.)
Rinse if d/w not going on until later (or even tomorrow). Plastic beakers and tubs in the top, only, pref wedged well enough so they don't tip and fill with water. Mugs on the sloping bits of the top rack so that water doesn't puddle in the dimple under the base.
Saucepans - sometimes. If there's room and they're not coated.
Anal, moi?
Jun 2019
1:22pm, 10 Jun 2019
329 posts
I put things in the dishwasher. TP then rearranges it all before switching it on. Tbh he's probably more efficient at it than I am, and uses the available space best, but I can't be bothered to stress about such things. I'm probably setting an awful example to the turtle... "hey darling can you please put your cup and plate away in the dishwasher?" "OK mama, where shall I put them?" "Oh just dump them in there somewhere, Daddy will sort it all out later!"
Jun 2019
1:30pm, 10 Jun 2019
3,020 posts
Cutlery tray vs basket. Discuss
Jun 2019
1:35pm, 10 Jun 2019
1,300 posts
I don't want to admit to being the best at loading the dishwasher or I'll end up having to do it all the time. When the kids were at home I would get really annoyed at dirty stuff being left on the side.
If the dishwasher is loaded properly I can unload and put away in the time it takes to boil the kettle (I race it!)