Jun 2019
12:02pm, 10 Jun 2019
9,088 posts
Your ex was clearly just being awkward, MrsJigs.
SarahWoo, most young adults have no idea about washing up anything, it goes with the territory! I work near an IT Support desk - average age=university graduate! The heaps of washing up they leave in/around/vaguely near the breakout area kitchen sink is ridiculous.
It the fact there is a dishwasher there that they haven't even realised can be used that amazes me even more!
Jun 2019
12:02pm, 10 Jun 2019
37,360 posts
I am very systematic and maximise the amount of stuff I am able to get into the machine ensuring everything gets clean. I rinse things that need rinsing first and ensure that nothing is placed so that it gets in the way of the rotor. Mrs D seems to place things randomly in the middle of the available space. Others in the family just leave stuff on the worktop above the dishwasher which annoys me just as much, even though they wouldn't do it properly. If there is stuff in the machine that I know we'll need before the cycle has finished, I wash it up by hand.
Jun 2019
12:07pm, 10 Jun 2019
1,531 posts
I want to have two dishwashers. My system would be as follows:
Step 1: Two empty dishwashers. All cupboards full of dishes. Take from cupboards and use. Step 2: Put dirty plates/cups/knives into dishwasher 1. Repeat until full. Step 3: Switch on dishwasher 1.
Step 4: Now, use dirty dishes from dishwasher 1. Do not put these in the cupboard. This is where they live now. Step 4: Put dirty plates/cups/knives into dishwasher 2. Repeat until full Step 5 and forever: Switch on dishwasher 2. Replace dirty dishes into dishwasher 1.
Jun 2019
12:10pm, 10 Jun 2019
1,532 posts
However, I've been told I'm not allowed to do that. My next system of having every cupboard double up as a dishwasher was also denied. As such, I have some rules that must be followed when stacking a dish washer:
Knives, forks, spoons, etc. must have their own whole in the cutlery thingy. Do not mix spoons and forks together. It makes it much easier for emptying later.
Spoons cannot be allowed to spoon. The bottom of one does not clean if they do.
Plates must go on the left hand side. I don't know why.
Fill the back before the front.
Jun 2019
12:14pm, 10 Jun 2019
9,810 posts
Could we create The Ten Commandments of Dishwashers?
Jun 2019
12:15pm, 10 Jun 2019
39,909 posts
We have a slight 'fitting' issue with plates as well as we have two designs/makes and you have to ensure you put the correct plates together. If you mix the plates, they can touch and that means potential chipping.
Shock confession time - I am a new convert to putting the occasional lightly soiled* pan in. Since youngest has gone to Uni, the dishwasher isn't as full as it used to be and an I can optimise space-usage with a well placed pan. Also: mixing bowl and a small Le Creuset casserole.
*No, not soiled that</> way.
Jun 2019
12:15pm, 10 Jun 2019
1,536 posts
We could. No one would listen though.
Jun 2019
12:15pm, 10 Jun 2019
3,019 posts
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's dishwasher ...
Jun 2019
12:17pm, 10 Jun 2019
39,910 posts
Honour the Lord thy dishwasher
Do not worship graven dishwashers
Jun 2019
12:22pm, 10 Jun 2019
11,296 posts
I am anti dishwasher, however reading this thread I have a comment.... or two....
I feel some correspondents should ditch all their crockery etc and buy new that is the appropriate shape and size to fit in a dishwasher.... I may have found a new business opportunity?
Despite not having a dishwasher I do have views about how washing up should be loaded in the sink for a pre wash soak; i.e. all cutlery should be with the handle to the right hand side, plates at the bottom and dishes on top. Greasy things should be washed last.