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Support thread for students, mature and otherwise...

33 watchers
Feb 2020
12:31am, 21 Feb 2020
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Well done Carp! Hope everything is going well for everyone!

Final few months of my undergrad, it's going to fly by, yet there is still so much to do. The grind continues...
Feb 2020
5:02pm, 27 Feb 2020
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early bird
Having a bad day. I just feel like I don't understand anything anymore. The language my course is in might as well be foreign. My placement is so hard and my memory is so bad.
I am consuming a G&T at present because tomorrow we are expected now to take in our essay plan and critique each others in a small group. In the past we have submitted them to the tutors and had the option not to share with the group. I have always chosen not to share.
Doubting why I'm doing this course and my ability to complete it.
Feb 2020
6:52pm, 27 Feb 2020
18,825 posts
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You can EB. It's the last few hurdles. I totally get the foreign language feeling but there will be days when you suddenly realise how much you do know xx
Feb 2020
8:47pm, 27 Feb 2020
33,599 posts
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Carp is right. And your fellow students will feel exactly the same. What are you scared of? They know less than the tutors and will not want their own essay plans to be criticised. Spare a thought also for the poor tutors who are probably doing this so they don't have to give individual feedback. You can do it.
Feb 2020
9:49pm, 27 Feb 2020
12,614 posts
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early bird
Thanks Carp and LindsD.

The essay needs to be written quite academically which I really struggle with as I tend to write essays from my point of view. Last essay I really struggled with along the same vein. I know of at least one other person who is not going to bring in their essay plan as they feel like I do. I don't want to not take it in but I'm struggling with the thought of others pulling it apart when it's taken so much effort to get what I have and then if I do get tutor feedback it maybe different to what they say. I struggle with confidence as it is so I'm worried I won't take it well.

Managed to keep tears at bay so far and have had a chat with a friend who has tried to lift me up a bit.

I might not feel as bad and could maybe cope with it better but my placement is really stressful too. I'm sleeping for half my day when I'm off which isn't great for studying. A friend has suggested having some time off but I just don't feel like I can. I near the end I just need to try and get through it. Need to see if I can avoid embarrassment tomorrow first.
Feb 2020
10:03pm, 27 Feb 2020
33,610 posts
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In my experience there is never any 'pulling apart' when peer feedback is given.
Feb 2020
10:21pm, 27 Feb 2020
865 posts
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Maybe ask the tutor if you can give feedback first, so you can keep it constructive and positive by setting a good example?
Feb 2020
6:51am, 28 Feb 2020
1,823 posts
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I hope it goes well for you EB. It can feel really daunting but like LindsD I’ve found other students to usually be supportive.

Something I find helpful is to remember that these are new skills you are building and as new skills they will be hard and you will make mistakes because that is part of learning. Feedback is about the skill, not you as a person. Yet we often have the tendency to take feedback as a critique on ourselves as a person - which it is not. If we were learning to ride a bike and fell off a lot, this doesn’t make us a bad person or rubbish at things, it’s just part of learning. Academic skills can be harder to separate from ourselves but the same is true. When you’re learning a lot of new skills as in a course like you are doing, it is really understandable to go through periods of doubt when everything feels hard and it doesn’t mean that you cannot do the course.
Feb 2020
7:10am, 28 Feb 2020
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Wise words
Feb 2020
9:21am, 28 Feb 2020
1,782 posts
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I would hope the class / peer group all understand and give any critique with empathy and understanding. ie how it could be made better, not 'pulled apart'.
Or even - 'I really like the way you've done that'.

Critique is feedback - positive is allowed.

And you're allowed to feedback collectively to the tutor(s) as part of that critique. Any questions on essay plans, content, course teaching - this is a good opportunity to express it - either as part of your oen plan presentation or with others. You may fidn the whole class says 'we never understood that' or 'this could have been made clearer' to the tutor.

Good luck - and try to enjoy !

About This Thread

Maintained by LindsD
All students, old, young, full or part-time, at any level, welcome here. There are also some poacher turned gamekeeper tutors hanging around....

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