Feb 2020
8:37am, 15 Feb 2020
1,736 posts
Grast_girl - good point. There could be 500 words on the difference between clinical & statistical significance bashed out without any real need to delve into the stats details!
Feb 2020
9:33am, 15 Feb 2020
48,521 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
What are the assumptions used by the authors? Could other assumptions be made, and if so, what would a different study or interpretation look like? Are they using a theory or model which could be critiqued? (the answer is yes, just work out how to critique it!) Who are the participants and what are the issues with those participants (often a weak point in studies)? What are the measures they use and what problems do they have and how do they address these (no measure is perfect or all-encompassing)?
You can write almost all of this without even touching the stats. When you get to the stats break it down as much as you can so it looks less scary, then look at their discussion and see if concurs with the stats. It doesn’t always, sometimes authors have overly optimistic conclusions or use weird justifications based on stupid assumptions instead of the most obvious ones.
Don’t forget the good stuff in the paper too!
Feb 2020
1:45pm, 15 Feb 2020
33,331 posts
LindsD piemate
And 2000 words is not many to do all that.
Feb 2020
7:34am, 18 Feb 2020
37,802 posts
You lot are fabulous, I can't help with this, but what a fab lot you are. ❤️
Feb 2020
7:43am, 18 Feb 2020
3,908 posts
Alice the Camel
*pops in, being nosey* As purps says, you lot are amazing!
I’ve never ventured in here before - my studenting days are a long way behind me - but I wish I’d had a support thread like this when I was a student! *reverses out*
Feb 2020
8:12am, 18 Feb 2020
4,512 posts
Hello... sorry bit late. I struggled with Stats (I failed my quant exam) but I got there in the end. I used the Anna Hart book making sense of statistics in healthcare. Stats essentials for dummies. I also used youtube alot, as I just couldn't get my head around why p should be 0.05. If I can find them again I'll link to them tonight.
Feb 2020
4:12pm, 18 Feb 2020
18,756 posts
Submitted my essay last night (due today but we had lectures) and was actually quite happy with it. Happier if I had an extra 500 words so could have left more in! But I didn't need an extension.
Feb 2020
4:18pm, 18 Feb 2020
33,399 posts
Well done
Feb 2020
8:03pm, 18 Feb 2020
861 posts
Well done Carp.
Feb 2020
3:57pm, 20 Feb 2020
12,612 posts
early bird
Well done carp 😊