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Support thread for students, mature and otherwise...

33 watchers
May 2019
12:11pm, 31 May 2019
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EB - feed forward is where it's at! 'If you want to make good better, do this.' :)

Sorry, teaching people. It's not taken me long after retiring to forget how the pace of 'the job' virtually rules out reading around sector policy and the politics involved.It's always struck me as a trite argument that debt is to be welcomed...but forty years of it??
May 2019
2:19pm, 31 May 2019
513 posts
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well done EB.

exam t-minus 13 days. have headed out to the country to the folks house for a revision day, for some reason I seem to think more clearly down here (and they have a printer)….
Jun 2019
9:07pm, 2 Jun 2019
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early bird
Just want to scream about how much I hate referencing 😟 I've spent another whole day working on my presentation. I've adjusted and added bits where necessary but looking at it I believe I have too much information 😳 My slides are compact with only bullet points or information graphs but the things I need to talk about on some slides are a bit too lengthy I think. Presentation is 20 mins and I have 22 slides (including my resource and first page) that leaves me with about a minute for each slide 😕 I have identified where I can 'trim' a bit and I have people I know in the 'audience' so will ask them to ask me questions on those bits. I'll do a timing run through on Tuesday, practice like crazy and then some more on Wednesday before the 'day'.

Quick question when I send my presentation in will they expect my notes as well or just my slides? (we have to send in an electronic copy beforehand and take a hard copy on the day too along with our resource) I was going to print off my notes separately so I had them to refer to so wasn't really planning on keeping them with the slides so to speak
Jun 2019
11:25pm, 2 Jun 2019
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Just slides usually.

I think that's too many slides so trim if you can.

I hate referencing too.
Jun 2019
5:53am, 3 Jun 2019
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early bird
Thanks LindsD that's very helpful. I will print my copy of the slides to have in front of me and notes on a separate page so I can see my slide and notes and don't have to turn my back to the audience.

I have followed the outline they gave us for the slides though and tried to keep it to a minimum 😕 I will try and trim some more. My tutor did feed back saying all the information was there so maybe I cut down on my explanations. Since then I've only added my resource and one more slide about my role in my promotion. Some of the epidemiology slides will only take 20-30 secs to explain. It's hard to keep it to a minimum especially when you have a deeper knowledge and want to explain your reasoning. I guess that's what the 10 minutes at the end is for though eeek.

Will do referencing tonight after work so hope it's not a bad one.
Jun 2019
8:13am, 3 Jun 2019
681 posts
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One minute per slide is likely to be tight, unless you know your script quite well. It's a difficult balance to reach when your presentation is being assessed though, as whoever second marks (or external examiner) may only see the slides (if they're not recording you), so perhaps you do need to keep them all. I would suggest practising out loud as you plan to until you get the timing right consistently, but not so much that you sound over rehearsed.
Jun 2019
8:58am, 3 Jun 2019
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I've not done academic presentations, but lots of business ones ....
If your slides are fairly textual, you probably don't need to read out or repeat word for word what's on the slide as the audience will be skim reading it ahead of you.

(but defers to the experts here if that's not a good academic approach)
Jun 2019
10:43pm, 3 Jun 2019
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early bird
Grast_girl we are being recorded and have been told to expect an invigilator but they may not be present for the whole day. We have to provide a physical copy of the slides and our resource for the markers.
I have a feeling I may have gone a bit too much 'bio sciencey' and not enough health promotion which is where I'm planning on trimming down and getting others to ask the questions.
You are definitely right about not knowing until I actually 'speak' it though. I have things in mind to say like so that's....... now let's take a look at....... to get the presentation to feel like it flows a bit and I'm not just showing slides and repeating what's on them. I have provided an extra slide on models of health promotion but I'm literally just going to say of course other health promotion models are available not just xxxx. Here is an example then move on.

um I've tried to make my slides bullet points which need further expansion in my waffle/talk. I've done it deliberately so the audience have to pay attention to me rather than read the slides. Whether that actually happens on the day who can say 🙈

A tip I got passed on was to 'pick someone to present to' then you're not worrying about the whole room so to speak 🤷‍♀️
Jun 2019
8:12am, 4 Jun 2019
684 posts
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You can also prime people to ask specific questions if there's something you don't have time to cover in the presentation itself that you want to expand on (a well known thing at conferences).

You probably want to flit around a bit with where you're looking (once you get started), as it's easy to lose the audience if they don't feel engaged. This probably applies to whoever's marking it especially.

If it's being recorded, then I'd cut down on the slides with bullet points, people will still read them even if you're expanding on them (although it depends on how secure you are in the presentation without prompts).
Jun 2019
7:08am, 5 Jun 2019
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Coming in to grumble. Marks for our last essay were due yesterday. Announcement in the morning that they'd be released at 3:30.
I didn't get mine. Apparently everyone else who submitted on time did.
Now I've been lying awake most of the night stressed that I've got zero marks because I submitted as a PDF.
I did email a lecturer and ask about format but didn't receive a reply until after the deadline.

The worst thing is that my mark is capped at 40% because I'm repeating the semester, despite not having done this essay before. But I worked hard on it and I wanted my indicative mark even if the official one is capped.

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All students, old, young, full or part-time, at any level, welcome here. There are also some poacher turned gamekeeper tutors hanging around....
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