Apr 2014
12:27pm, 12 Apr 2014
1,186 posts
I think you can also make notes in Mendeley about the important aspects of a paper.
Fleecy can you request that the library get a subscription? Or ask your supervisor to? Our library is really good for things like that
Apr 2014
12:28pm, 12 Apr 2014
1,187 posts
No studying for me today as OH is out on his bike and we are going to visit friends later.
Apr 2014
12:31pm, 12 Apr 2014
17,739 posts
OMG I have worked it out and I love it. In fact I love fleecy
Apr 2014
12:43pm, 12 Apr 2014
17,477 posts
I just do footnotes with Word. I used Endnote for a dissertation a few years ago and it was good at the time, but doesn't do the correct style for my current work. To be honest, using Word isn't that hard and even if Mendeley will add the references I am not sure I would bother. I just wanted a synchronised storage and indexing thing so I can work on different computers.
Apr 2014
4:50pm, 12 Apr 2014
1,619 posts
I am also a big fan of dropbox for syncing documents between laptop and desktop, I also have it on my tablet so I can refer to course handbooks and for presentation notes
Apr 2014
7:48pm, 12 Apr 2014
15,128 posts
Good point, Linds, I'll see if I can ask someone. Mendeley is great, isn't it? And free, unlike EndNote Uni have EndNote available on campus, but the majority of my reading is done at home, so it just works better for me. I'm sure I don't use the half the functionality it has, but the search function is excellent, so I do tend to just dump it all in a big heap and search for what I need when I need it. For reference lists it has millions of different styles available, I tend to just copy and paste the citations. You can change the view of the table so that just the citations are shown. I usually write stuff in Scrivener and then stick it all in Word for editing, so I just tidy up the in-text refs as I go.
Apr 2014
10:19pm, 12 Apr 2014
2,107 posts
Pizza Boy
I'm fortunate in that I have refworks for referencing which is very easy-to-use software!
On the plus side today: I finished my last tutorial worksheet and I received a much higher mark than expected in my mathematics module.
On the negatives. I am behind on my revision timetable (5 exams this summer) and I am all too aware that I am avoiding the hard bits of my course in revision...especially thermodynamics -.-
Apr 2014
10:27pm, 12 Apr 2014
149 posts
Great idea for a thread! I'm in my fifth year (of six) at the moment, studying medicine.
As far as the current thread topic goes, I use Endnote. It's so customisable that it matches up with any style you need, and the Endnote Web feature means you can pick up where you left off any computer, PC or Mac. Double check whether your Uni offers any deals with Endnote... it took a bit of digging, but I found that both of my Unis offer a free Endnote subscription for students... they keep it fairly quiet though!
Apr 2014
8:51pm, 13 Apr 2014
1,191 posts
Well done, Pizza Boy. Celebrate your successes.
Welcome PaulAY *waves*
Apr 2014
7:20am, 14 Apr 2014
1,158 posts
TMA submitted at last. I now love pomodoring. And this thread for introducing me to the technique