May 2020
4:07pm, 28 May 2020
37,150 posts
We make them work, MazH! SD is currently furloughed by Wetherspoons.
May 2020
4:11pm, 28 May 2020
16,553 posts
Next week is the last month I need to pay rent for my daughters university accommodation. I am not sure how we managed to absorb that for four years. It’s like a massive pay rise for us from July
May 2020
4:12pm, 28 May 2020
46,780 posts
My two youngest daughters have both had to work and maximise their student loans. There's no way I could have paid all their university expenses. They did both have a year at home, living rent free and working, to save towards their university costs, but it wouldn't have been enough even if they hadn't indulged in stereotypical Millennial spending behaviour.
May 2020
4:13pm, 28 May 2020
10,672 posts
mrs shanksi
My teens work and they both have student loans which cover accommodation costs.
May 2020
4:17pm, 28 May 2020
16,258 posts
^ daughter used the max loan she could get, but it wasn't enough for more than her rent. She had worked enough to finish her degree with a positive bank balance, with me subbing her the occasional food delivery when she needed to be studying more than working. I've paid her summer rent and the furlough she's getting feeds her - I just hope she can start working again soon or at least get some more work experience at the zoo.
May 2020
4:56pm, 28 May 2020
10,748 posts
Hats off to those that do.... i just hadn't really thought of the actual expense!
Enjoy your payrise Baz!
May 2020
6:26pm, 28 May 2020
21,061 posts
Yep, Daughter 1 got the smallest loan which didn’t even cover 1st year accom. Her dad and I have shared costs but she’s fairly frugal.
Daughter 2 won’t get a loan in year 0 (art foundation), but I think it will costs similar to school fees. She has had a job but isn’t good at saving
May 2020
6:29pm, 28 May 2020
10,673 posts
mrs shanksi
I forgot, I only have one teen, eldest is nearly 21!
May 2020
6:32pm, 28 May 2020
26,847 posts
We give ours a small allowance that doesn’t even cover food, let alone rent but is all we can manage. The rest is student loans and working
May 2020
6:36pm, 28 May 2020
31,218 posts
I need to look into what he’s entitled to funding-wise. I could cover the accommodation but he’d have to cover everything else. I also didn’t realise they want it in 3 instalments rather than monthly - that’s a chunk of money.