Sep 2020
1:05pm, 27 Sep 2020
48,778 posts
I think it's interesting, from an energy-systems point of view as well as Real Human Interest.
It wasn't until I went through a phase of trying to improve my cycling power profile that I experienced the phenomenon of taking five minutes to recover from a ten-second effort. I just don't work that hard when I'm running.
Sep 2020
2:05pm, 27 Sep 2020
16,518 posts
Obvs I agree it's interesting - I think there's an element of learning HOW to put the requisite amount of power (cos that's what it is) into short reps/efforts. When I first started sprinting I didn't understand how come the boys were knackered after on 60 metre effort and I felt ready to run another almost straight away. I was trying as hard as I could but just couldn't get the 'oomph' required.
I'm better at it now and can put more into a short rep - but a youngish bloke (or girl come to that) will still be able to produce more power and tap into the relevant energy systems better than I can.
Sep 2020
2:40pm, 27 Sep 2020
32,562 posts
Given how fantastically supportive you have been of all of us I think we could forgive you a little self indulgence.
Sep 2020
3:12pm, 27 Sep 2020
50,944 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
I love intervals! I have half a blog written about September starting stuff, let me take some photos and finish it...
Sep 2020
5:46pm, 27 Sep 2020
46,702 posts
Derby Tup
Walked 20 miles today
Sep 2020
5:47pm, 27 Sep 2020
46,703 posts
Derby Tup
This evening’s run will be slow, short and very interval free
Sep 2020
8:19pm, 27 Sep 2020
16,519 posts
Book five finished this afternoon. It was a bit of a slog but I didn't want to have to take it to London. I'm always carrying too many/much books and food around with me.
Sep 2020
8:36pm, 27 Sep 2020
46,557 posts
When I did Project Joker I decided that I really liked the Interval sessions, found it took my mind off other things to do with running.
I was up to 80 miles walking for the month when I gave up last week, I'd never done so much walking and it was my body telling me it had had enough. I did a lovely 5 miler today, plan about 10-ish on Tuesday so will squash the other 5 in by the month end to bring me to 100 miles for the month. Crikey, I've never run that much in a month, maybe next year.
Sep 2020
12:23pm, 28 Sep 2020
18,881 posts
bit of a silly question ... so one of my October things is plan I've put stuff in my Fetch plan - on the day I guess it reminds me what to do but when I upload stuff will the entry go or what?
Sep 2020
3:00pm, 28 Sep 2020
41,090 posts
No I think you have to manually delete it