Jul 2024
9:32pm, 23 Jul 2024
40 posts
Rob OHara
WP I believe delivery companies are just a social experiment to see how far they can push us! Hope you get it sorted… ps I’ve not hijacked the deliver driver yet.
Shades that’s a long old wait between marathons. Only right you’re getting excited about your upcoming races.
When it comes to Ryanair, it comes down to how much can they balls it up to write off a trip and weighing up the cost. Usually by the time you’ve added bags and fees it’s not worth worrying about.
Quads a bit sore today, bruised leg has been painful but hopefully better tomorrow and will get out for a light trot.
Jul 2024
5:25am, 24 Jul 2024
3,256 posts
WP - I would really miss a bath if I didn't have one, so an ice/warm tub is a good idea for you.
Rob - I always book a bag in the hold when I fly, means I can have plenty of clean clothes, (I usually stay for 3 nights) plus room for some holiday shopping and I don't have to drag my bag around the airport, up the steps on the plane etc., bliss., all for the sake of a few quid.
Ryanair's fare were much the same as Aer Lingus before adding any additional fees, I don't know what other fees Ryanair charge, I didn't really get that far and what I read wasn't clear. For baggage they charge depending on how busy the flight is, allegedly, and top fee would have been more than Aer Lingus charge.
You're recovering fairly well, hope you're able to get out for a run today.
Running rest day for me today, off to the gym this morning.
Jul 2024
6:15am, 24 Jul 2024
3,259 posts
Travel Insurance, I know we've had this conversation before. Just had my renewal and checking re marathon running.
Condition 3. You are not taking part in a league or competition.
So I take it that I'm covered for my marathon trips.
Any thoughts folks.
Jul 2024
6:19am, 24 Jul 2024
213 posts
Shades-I'd say you are covered, need to read mine when it comes through again.The kayak one shows the vagueness they purposely put in..."in calm waters" means different things to different people. Busy day yesterday so took it off,going to do the 5m race tonight,but will run this morning also to keep the miles up,will just take it really easy.
Jul 2024
6:24am, 24 Jul 2024
3,260 posts
Ian - that's what I thought, I think they've reworded their policy document as seems clearer than last time.
Good luck with the 5 mile race tonight.
Jul 2024
6:37am, 24 Jul 2024
3,781 posts
I struggled with the word ‘competition’ in that sentence and as I didn’t get an answer when I asked, it’s what prompted me to change insurers.
Jul 2024
6:55am, 24 Jul 2024
3,261 posts
Big G - I remember you querying it with the insurers, very annoying they never responded.
Perhaps 'competition' refers to going to represent a team/country such as the Olympics or less high profile events
However, I'm happy as column 3 refers to cover for Marathon Running Holiday which is covered whereas one company I looked at wouldn't cover you if running the marathon was the purpose of your holiday/visit.
My renewal is with Multitrip, premium up by £20 but I suspect that's partly due to my age.
Jul 2024
8:12am, 24 Jul 2024
3,782 posts
Yeah, I did email them and I got a response saying that it would be sent to the underwriters for them to respond. After a week or so I asked again, but I didn’t get anything, and by that time I needed to renew. I suppose with these policies we only find out how good they are when we need to claim. I think another reason I changed was there was a limit on how many foreign marathons I could do, and I thought there was a slim chance that I may have broken the limit.
Jul 2024
8:14am, 24 Jul 2024
41 posts
Rob OHara
Shades I’ve had this argument with travel insurers in the past. I’ve always found it best to email them to get a response, in the event they try to decline the claim you can argue that they have said it’s okay.
Similar to Big G I couldn’t get a straight answer. Was given words such as ‘should be okay’ didn’t fulfil me with confidence.
Made me check my insurance as there was a change of underwriter in May (aviva) although I don’t have any os race plans I’ll need another insurer.
It won’t cover training for, or taking part in any race or time trial. That means if I have a race booked even in the uk and I go for a run when on holiday if I get injured I can’t claim.
Jul 2024
8:24am, 24 Jul 2024
3,783 posts
Robert, yes, I saw someone else mentioned that on the Marathons Abroad thread on here. I think from memory he was with HSBC at the time.
In some ways it goes to the heart of what a race is. It’s timed, we have a finish position, in some races we’ll be given our age category position, so even if individually we are not racing it, or we’re not going to trouble the age categories (speaking personally there) it’s still arguably a competition. I mean, I don’t think of it as a competition, as the majority of the time I have no idea who anyone is around me in races abroad, but that is what I was concerned about with the wording. But on the other hand, they’ve specifically got marathons included in the policy, so it is a bit muddled.