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Jul 2020
7:48am, 12 Jul 2020
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(from yesterday evening)
Put the pasta ready meal in the microwave for 2 mins - took it out to stir it and was momentarily confused that it didn't seem to have warmed up enough. Then I noticed the rotating power button was pointing at low rather than high (Mrs WM had been defrosting something earlier in the day)
Jul 2020
8:56am, 12 Jul 2020
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Or put water in mug for coffee in microwave, switch it on and water is still cold when the time elapsed (2.5 minutes later). That's when it's time to get new no longer works!
Jul 2020
11:20am, 12 Jul 2020
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Tried to rinse my face, and especially the sweat from my eyes, while still wearing my glasses.
Jul 2020
12:29pm, 12 Jul 2020
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[Garfield - at least mine did work after correcting the 'operator error' :) ]

[Diogenes - not done that but have started showering and then realised I still have my hearing aids in]
Jul 2020
1:07pm, 12 Jul 2020
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Wtn - fortunately it doesn't happen often...the current one is still working so far.
Jul 2020
10:53pm, 12 Jul 2020
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I'm really struggling for words the last few days, I just said Ralph had sniffed out a helicopter from under the bush - I think I meant hedgehog.
Jul 2020
11:08pm, 12 Jul 2020
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I spent most of the day trying to remember the name of the Leicester football manager when they won the premier league.

I could remember his nationality, what he looked like, that he had previously managed Chelsea and that somewhere along the line he'd gained the nickname "Tinkerman." But his name kept eluding me and my brain kept serving up "Carlo Ancelotti."

I find this kind of thing happening more frequently these days.

Claudio Ranieri, by the way. Memory finally delivered about 10pm.
Jul 2020
6:32am, 13 Jul 2020
50,967 posts
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Getting the wrong words happens more and more frequently for me. Sometimes it’s understandable, like saying dishwasher when I mean washing machine, but other times it’s less so, like saying office when I mean fridge. It’s slightly concerning.
Jul 2020
6:59am, 13 Jul 2020
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I've got the wrong words all my life (funny when you are a child; not so much as an adult) so when 50+ness kicks in as well I can speak either complete gobbledygook or not be able to say anything at all...

Got a hearing test on Tuesday. There are more parts of me that don't work properly these days than parts that do.
Jul 2020
8:35am, 13 Jul 2020
3,823 posts
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the wrong words thing happens a lot round here. Luckily to us both, so we can still communicate mostly. For some reason the words garage and attic have become almost interchangeable. Dark dusty places we keep all the things? Possibly the words are in a box marked miscellaneous...

Why did I come in here?

oh yes. Could not figure out why phone wouldn't phone someone and was giving an odd error message til I realised I was typing the phone number into the PIN unlock screen.

About This Thread

Maintained by ChrisHB
This morning I went to charge my kindle and instead found myself trying to charge my coffee mug. It was my third coffee of the day as well, clearly not strong enough!


I was just drying my hair after a shower, I switched the hairdryer on and suddenly the bedroom was plunged into darkness, the hairdryer wasn't working either. Great, the electrics have just tripped out.

I find a torch, go to the fuse box but nothing has tripped - turns out I pressed the light switch instead of the hairdryer 'on' button.

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