9 Jan
5:27pm, 9 Jan 2025
7,739 posts
Little Miss Happy
Where would you put the achilles recovery now on a scale of 1-10 riggys (10 being back to normal)?
9 Jan
7:09pm, 9 Jan 2025
423 posts
Sciatica flare up, so i guess it would have settled, but some freeing up by the physio should help......the rest of the area was on decent condition, so I've been doing some good stuff. Back and glute stretches as often as possible and as much movement as possible........but not if the hammy gets real tight like it did this week, I'll wait til the weekend as I'd planned. One lost week is no problem, it becomes an issue if i have to build up slowly, meaning I'm a while away from proper marathon training.
9 Jan
7:19pm, 9 Jan 2025
708 posts
Gerard I remember how well you ran at the national xc, you'll love a bit of hilly trail running.
Sounds pretty cold Joolska, well done for getting out there.
OO great mileage. It was indeed beautiful out there today. A walk round derwentwater, followed by another 6 up the railway path. The knee held out.
Sorry to hear it's a back issue TR. I rarely get problems there, mainly joints. I'm sure you've got plenty years of good running though. Hope you got the 7 done DT. Mine was cold and slippery so just went steady.
9 Jan
8:52pm, 9 Jan 2025
298 posts
Riggys.. good to hear your achilles has improved enough to run a few miles.
TR.. sciatica can be a pig to pin down, hope the physio can help with recovery.
OO61.. well done on getting out, still a bit slippery here too though a very sunny day here.
Ditto Jools, a decent run out in the cold. More laundry in this weather with the extra layers, hats, gloves etc.
DT19.. hope your evening run was safe and uneventful.
OO.. sounds like an enjoyable MLR in the snow, nicely done.
Gerard.. shame about the heavy rain for your runup, hope you felt better for it.
Only had time for 5.2m today after a couple of appointments. -7 overnight here apparently.
9 Jan
9:07pm, 9 Jan 2025
353 posts
Riggsy, sounds good, onwards and upwards from here.
Oo, good the knee is behaving. Ditto hee re run and add in dark as well.
Tr, that wasn't a surprise diagnosis I assume? Hopefully you'll get on top of it quickly and the physio work will ease the impingement.
Wardi, similar here, -6 and -3 at 10am tomorrow, though i suspect if I headed in yo the lanes at 4am it'd be pushing -10. At least it looks set to be reasonable weather for the Brass monkey.
Got home just before 6 and streets were glistening. Very nearly didn't go as I could just as well run midday Saturday as there's zero prospect of junior footy being on (never really understand why someone can't make the blindingly apparent call today instead of a Friday night or Saturday morning pitch inspection) so I've a free day largely. But then quite fancied a clear day before Sundays 22. It was OK on the whole, kept it slow and it's done.
9 Jan
9:43pm, 9 Jan 2025
424 posts
DT - fair play, I don't like the evening runs nowadays......no surprise, I knew it was sciatica, it's more of a need a thing than tight hammy muscle thing.
9 Jan
9:44pm, 9 Jan 2025
425 posts
Nerve thing.....autocorrect kicked in
9 Jan
11:46pm, 9 Jan 2025
4,699 posts
Well done on getting out DT it was -2 her according to the car when I was driving at 2000hrs. Hope weather improves for your 22
Nice run Wardi
Hope the physio helped TR I have had sciatica problems on and off the last 10 years or so (occupational hazard I would say for me).
LMH I would say around 8/10 for Achilles but don’t feel like I have done a run that tests it yet.
No running today. Father in law came out of hospital this morning so bits of running about for him and a trip to other side of Sheffield to see my dad (plus taking car to garage to check out a warning light). Did fit in some calf raises. Have made some free time tomorrow for a decent run.
10 Jan
6:59am, 10 Jan 2025
7,741 posts
Little Miss Happy
That's good riggys. Are you still planning to have the shockwave therapy?
I have no doubt you'll follow the physio's instructions and get back out there in better shape in a couple of days TR.
Glad you stayed upright DT19.
Any improvement with your knee OO61?
Feels like -6C again here this morning. Must make sure I leave enough time to defrost the car and not be late for work. Forecast to get warmer from Monday - I hope it does.
10 Jan
8:38am, 10 Jan 2025
709 posts
I've been able to run on it LMH. Fingers crossed. We will leave Keswick tomorrow early and stop for a parkrun en route, probably Talkin Tarn. An off roader so bit of a knee test- might try for the V60 record, which I held but was recently taken down.... Hope you get your run in too riggys 👍