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RW sub3/3.15

2 lurkers | 42 watchers
7 Jan
6:46am, 7 Jan 2025
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Little Miss Happy
My sleep got much worse with the menopause riggys - hopefully not a problem you'll have. :-)

I bet you wouldn't like it if you tried it TR. I'm quite good at occupying my mind but I find running on the treadie and over heating staring at a screen or wall is much harder than spending time on the turbo. Hope you can get yourself sorted niggle wise.

Wardi - my treadie is in the garage. I have to start with layers on and gradually lose them as I warm up. At the minute I'm concerned about how much electricity it would use. Any clue as to the cost per hour?
7 Jan
9:15am, 7 Jan 2025
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Ah, the delights of perimenopausal sleep, LMH. Even with the magic of HRT I just don't sleep as well as I used to... The best I can do is try and stick to a routine (bed by 10pm if at all possible, as the alarm goes off at 6am, and the cats do not permit use of the snooze function until they've been fed!). Jersey sounds like a good call. I've been there on holiday and it was lovely.

Well done to TippTop and Riggsy on successful 3 milers.

We had a surprise dusting of snow overnight, but almost all slush by the time I was out of the door. I stayed on the flat (well, the as-flat-as-possible), and just did 4 miles. Still, beautifully clear and sunny, when I felt confident enough to look up from the pavement!
7 Jan
3:55pm, 7 Jan 2025
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Gerard, that sounds like a very convenient set up with those distances. Nothing I resent more than commuting.

Wardi, sounds like that t'mill has paid for itself many times over!

Riggsy, another step forward. I've always wondered how people who work shifts can step it up and down with sleep patterns.

TR, hopefully the hammy is better this evening.

TT- sounds like the coaching is going well to date. Good stuff on the 3m and other s and c.

I tend to sleep reasonably well, though often have nights with multiple wake ups for the toilet.

Having a bit of a nightmare here, our external IT platform has been subjected to a global attack and in order to maximise the protection of systems, we have had to shut down temporarily the aspect that facilitates remote working, meaning we are all having to attend the office until resolved.

Headed off to the race course for a session to discover it is under 6 plus foot of river severn water! Had to readjust my mindset and do tomorrow's 12m MLR. Tomorrow I am working in the local office to home so can just run to my usual place for a session so will work itself out. Chiropractor first thing in the morning though.
7 Jan
4:27pm, 7 Jan 2025
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Hey all – haven't had a chance to do a proper read back for several days. Hope you are all keeping warm as winter is upon us now, some very cold.

OO – Re Jan 24, we often learn the hard way. I did a similar thing last Feb. Yeah, those guys I know are doing the AoA100. Nut jobs. Newport sounds good and you sound confident. What's the target? Great weekly total last week. Is that your normal weekly mileage? I like the Malaga momentum, I'd love to go this year, but I have Budapest in October, honeymoon this year and time off over Xmas too as well as wedding party week in the Reef, so can't be away for that too.

OO61 - What's the craic with the knee? Hope all is ok.

TR – Get yourself over to Malaga, you have terrible luck with the weather in England. What's the cause for the achy shoulder and elbow, is it fall related or work?

Wardi - some mileage on that treddie. I bet it must be cold up norf? I was up norf last year end of Jan and went to Scotland too, and it was proper cold. Have you got anything lined up race wise soon?

TT – Do you fly into Dublin when you go home? I do miss it but couldn't live there. Good news on the coaching, it's good that you are able to share all your experience and passion for the sport to help improve others.

DT – Interesting re your wife and her short Jersey stint, not that uncommon I guess as we get lots of student's/young people and professionals coming here for work. Let me know if you do ever decide to plan a trip and I'll give you some advice. Yes, I am blessed. If I get stuck in a traffic jam for 5 mins, I'm beside myself with fury (Lols). Our house is located 5 mins walk from the heaving Metropolis of Saint Helier 😉 but it's situated in a very quiet area with country lanes and a valley within a km away (I often run there to escape people but it's quite hilly). There is a beach promenade conveniently located 5 mins from my house which is a 10km (out and back) and has a pedestrian and cycle track where most people run or cycle, but I tend to avoid it as I like to be away from it all, especially the dog walkers who stare at their phones.

It's handy is winter as it's well lit up and very good for reps and interval sessions. That's awful re your IT issues. Total logistical nightmare. Do you know to what extent of data that may have been compromised if any? I was doing an AML refresher course yesterday and Law firms are prime targets for these kinds of things. I believe you work in one too.

Riggys – Good news re your Achilles. I hope it continues to do so.

LMH – My family have a place in area called Blackwell, which is near Birmingham, I have visited but my geographical knowledge of England is generally poor and I struggling to even name a place in the Midlands and I'm not sure if I have been there, but I may well have been, I have been to Rugby, is that near? Oh and have you got your race entry sorted yet?

Joolska – very sensible, it's very easy to go down in these conditions. It's currently 7c here and feels cold but no chance of snow. We rarely get any here which I am pleased about.

I didn't feel wonderful on my Sunday long run, felt a bit headachy and found it quite hard for the pace we ran. Had a weird taste in my mouth too. I think I'm carrying another bloody bug as woke up with horrible phlegmy throat this morning and have a felt a bit off today but nothing too bad. I have literally just got over that horrible flu type lurgy I could do without another one. Need to get out for a decent run later but that weather isn't very appealing as it's a bit too cold for me and it's been raining and hail on and off all day. On the plus side the weather is looking mazing for weekend, 11c, sunny and light wind. That's something to look forward to.
7 Jan
4:27pm, 7 Jan 2025
148 posts
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DT - Good improvisation skills. I see Paula Radcliffe is coming out of retirement and running the Tokyo marathon.

Sunny enough for a lunchtime 8m with 5 @ tempo av. 6.42 mm.
7 Jan
4:33pm, 7 Jan 2025
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Gérard- x-post. Hope you've not a bug. Hoping for sub255 @ Newport. Yes, 55-60 mpw is the standard when all is well. The AoA 100mile folks get my massive respect, just to get to the start line to try that distance in the bleak British winter.
7 Jan
5:09pm, 7 Jan 2025
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Little Miss Happy
Joolska - HRT didn't improve my sleep much if at all either.

Gerard - hope you aren't coming down with something. I am North of Rugby in Derby just about bang smack in the middle of England really. Yes, race entry sorted.

Was supposed to have tomorrow and Thursday off but am now working tomorrow. I really find it hard to refuse when we're short staffed. Just as well I'm not targeting a time for London or it would be a fifteen week campaign at best.
7 Jan
6:48pm, 7 Jan 2025
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LMH.. I did research treadmill running costs many years ago and it wasn't significant. Much less than washing machines, electric fires, ovens etc. BTW very good of you to volunteer for work, I hear York hospital A&E is ridiculously busy currently. They are asking patients to go alone if at all possible (excluding kids etc).

Gerard.. yes very cold up here. It's due to be -5 at 6pm tomorrow! Good luck with your symptoms, hope it's nothing serious. No races entered as my usual 10m & half are too popular now and I didn't get in to either of them. I'll keep an ear to the ground for any clubmates dropping out. The Brass Monkey is a week on Sunday.

DT19.. bad luck on the waterlogged racecourse, kudos due for a quick change of plan to the 12m.

4m + 6m today. Too icy to run outside this morning so on the treadle again. Just melted enough for a run outside mid afternoon.
I did note that Rosa Mota (marathon gold at Seoul 1988) recently clocked 38.23 for 10k at age 66. Respect!
8 Jan
6:37am, 8 Jan 2025
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Little Miss Happy
I just know how much extra strain it puts on everyone else in the team if we are short staffed Wardi. We don't have the option of cancelling appointments or not seeing our patients. I'm tired though which is the other problem - those of us picking up the slack are more likely to end up burnt out or ill. The bad driving conditions don't help any either. Thanks for the treadie cost info. Hopefully the weather will improve soon - very cold here again today and tomorrow. :-(
8 Jan
9:14am, 8 Jan 2025
33 posts
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Decided to have another rest day yesterday as I didn't feel great. Scratchy throat and very fatigued, played it safe as I think running would have exasperated it. Woke up this morning and don't feel any worse which I'm delighted about. Could not face another lay off so soon after being sick for nearly a month.

OO - that's a great target. Yeah, those guys are hardcore. Can't see the enjoyment in it personally but the ultra mentality is a different mind set. I like the sunshine and I also like to be able to run as fast as possible on nice smooth roads (all things being relative of course).

LMH - Ah, I see. Never been to those parts.

Wardi - Oof, that's proper cold. I remember last year, my fiancée and I were staying in the Scottish highlands and the morning we were leaving we had a 4 hour drive back to Glasgow airport and we realised our windscreen washer fluid tank was frozen but we only discovered this about 45 mins into the journey on the motorway. It was one of the most stressful journeys of my entire life as we could not see properly and kept having to pull over and wash it manually. It was a nightmare. The hire car company omitted to add anti-freeze which caused the issue. Lesson learned the hard way there. Fingers crossed that an entry crops up. I saw Rosa's performance, incredible longevity. Class is permanent.

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Maintained by TR

Fetch has said us RW refugees can relocate here. I know there are existing sub3 and 3.15 threads, but the fetch threads seem to be for more infrequent posters. The RW threads are more of a daily diary.

We'll see how it goes.

I'm a M57 hanging on to sub3. I'm unattached harriers so like a place to talk a bit of running and find some inspiration and accountability.
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