Nov 2014
8:10pm, 11 Nov 2014
13,002 posts
Yesterday I was grateful for a good journey Today grateful to get out for a run after work and that work went well today
Nov 2014
8:53am, 12 Nov 2014
3,157 posts
Nice pic, DT.
9th: Grateful for good weather for the Remembrance Parade and for 25 years since the fall of the wall. 10th: Grateful for a lovely swim. 11th: Grateful to see my Dad who is not doing too badly
Nov 2014
7:23am, 13 Nov 2014
18,815 posts
Yesterday I was grateful for the beautiful drive to my morning appt. Also that the HT who seemed quite hostile on my first visit is really a big softy. That my stroppy pre-teen isn't stroppy all the time.
Nov 2014
9:07am, 13 Nov 2014
3,175 posts
Yesterday I was grateful for a day working from home and an early night.
Nov 2014
10:42am, 13 Nov 2014
13,010 posts
Yesterday I was very grateful to get back home, I love being home!
Nov 2014
2:37pm, 13 Nov 2014
4,889 posts
Little Nemo - Shut up knee!
Today I'm grateful that my weekend overtime has been cancelled and I get to leave at a decent time on Friday \o/
Nov 2014
11:31am, 14 Nov 2014
3,182 posts
Good news, LN!
Yesterday I was grateful for a good meeting with clients over a lovely lunch and that I managed not to drink despite being under a lot of pressure to do so.
Today grateful that there is a *chance* that my workshop will be postponed as I haven't written it yet.
Nov 2014
12:17pm, 14 Nov 2014
13,016 posts
yesterday I was grateful to be home Today I am grateful for a fun run with K and M
Nov 2014
6:56pm, 14 Nov 2014
18,825 posts
Yesterday I was grateful for an amazing sun rise, toasties for tea and an earlyish night.
Today for a great day off including biking and The Fall (more specifically Jamie Dornan - never before has a serial killer been so attractive)
Nov 2014
8:33am, 16 Nov 2014
3,189 posts
Yesterday I was grateful for a lovely afternoon w SD and my oldest friend and her girls. And for OH who made it possible.