Sep 2014
11:22pm, 15 Sep 2014
12,418 posts
Yesterday I was grateful to see my friends and their daughter for the first time in a year Today I had a lovely run - trees, mountains, and a waterfall
Sep 2014
3:57pm, 16 Sep 2014
2,627 posts
Today I'm grateful to tick two things off my to-do list that have been bothering me and that BillyW has a late start at school tomorrow as he is pooped.
Sep 2014
4:16pm, 16 Sep 2014
1,245 posts
At the risk of getting into trouble - I'm grateful that the interminable Scottish independence thingy is almost at an end. Its not that I'm disinterested
Just bored......
Sep 2014
4:20pm, 16 Sep 2014
12,541 posts
Derby Tup
+1 (from someone who is usually interested in most things political)
Sep 2014
1:27pm, 18 Sep 2014
492 posts
Our Cat came home after 2 nights missing... Was heartbreaking and then so happy to find her in the garage of a neighbour after I did a leaflet drop yesterday.....
Sep 2014
1:43pm, 18 Sep 2014
2,639 posts
I'm so pleased, Pinchy.
Yesterday i was grateful that LittleD learnt to ride a bike at last.
Today I'm grateful that a horrid meeting is over.
Sep 2014
2:14pm, 18 Sep 2014
12,430 posts
Great news Pinchy, and well done to LD Tuesday, Wednesday and today I am grateful to be on holiday in a beautiful place with lovely people. Yesterday I got a drawing of myself from A aged 3.5 years. Today I have had two homemade choc brownies
Sep 2014
6:58pm, 18 Sep 2014
18,584 posts
Monday that my alternative office when visiting far flung schools is quiet and I can organise my own files in a sensible way.
Tuesday - my mum came up to help out with QP so I could go to Dundee yesterday. It was lovely to see her and she took us out for dinner too.
Wed - that all the trains were running on time, for the company on the trains and for a fabulous input on Narrative approaches.
Today - I am grateful that my crisis of confidence is over. I delivered my part of the training today in a relaxed way and came across as competent. I totally held my own in a meeting with multiple other professionals including the head of education for my area. Oh and my mum made mince and tatties last night for me and QP to have for tea tonight.
Sep 2014
7:14pm, 18 Sep 2014
18,585 posts
Oh and can I say I totally agree about the referendum. I am actually quite anxious about the result but I am sick to death of the build up and all the social media speculation, tension and spin.
Sep 2014
7:53pm, 19 Sep 2014
18,591 posts
Grateful for this mornings result. Also that I have officially passed my MSc. For pizza and cider and trash telly!