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Project Joker

1 lurker | 52 watchers
Mar 2021
5:20pm, 10 Mar 2021
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Jenny, I like the idea of structured runs as left to my own devices I tend to drift along doing the same runs/same pace and then wonder why I’m not improving 😂. early days yet, but I’m hopeful that I’ll see improvements along the way.
Mar 2021
5:26pm, 10 Mar 2021
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Sounds familiar Lin 😂 - it wasn’t so bad when running club sessions were still allowed, but running on my own I’ve just been doing everything at the same pace.
Mar 2021
7:17pm, 10 Mar 2021
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Fenland Flier
Hi Lin and Jenny, are you both trying to get faster ready for the return of parkrun? ;-)

I've enjoyed doing PJ in the past for the 'plan', however I see you both (I've stalked) run more than the prescribed 3 days a week. No problem there because I used to add a fourth run but it was always a recovery run, if you wish to add more no problem but don't forget rest days are important too.

If you enjoy the miles (like me) then I used to add a mile or two as a warm up and cool down before the intervals and tempo runs. I like medium long / long runs myself of 12 plus miles but they're always slow and obviously more than the 10 miles suggested.

If you're mileage targeting I could cover 30+ miles off the four runs myself.

I shall see your posts in here so if you want encouragement, a kick up the arse or a pat on the back don't forget to post on the thread.
Mar 2021
7:51pm, 10 Mar 2021
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Thanks FF. My aim is to get to sub 30 5k again..it’s been quite a while since I last did that. I’m currently running every day, but some days are just a couple of easy miles or a run/walk. I’m quite sensible as I really don’t want to get injured. The occasional kick up the ass is probably going to be required for me 😂 so please feel free to comment/give me a kick.
Mar 2021
7:59pm, 10 Mar 2021
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Fenland Flier
Keep posting in here Lin and don't forget to log your runs on your training page as tempo / intervals or long run, just in case I do any more stalking :-)
Mar 2021
11:07pm, 10 Mar 2021
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FF - in a way, yes, although just trying to get a bit of pace back generally. My times have been declining since roughly October 2018 (I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid in February 2019), but have dropped off more dramatically since the pandemic (partly because I’ve put on weight).

I’ve carried on running throughout (circa 1600 miles in 2020, which was more than 2019 when I fell just short of 1500 after a brief spell of injury, but less than the circa 1700 I did in 2016, 2017 and 2018). I normally run 4-5 times a week (preference is usually 5, but time/work etc doesn’t always allow for it).

The fastest parkrun I did in the early months of 2020 was 23:19. I did a virtual 5K last July in 24:11, and that’s the last time I really did a 5K at full effort. So the time I’ve put for Project Joker may not exactly be the quickest 5K I could run at the moment, as I wasn’t able to make myself run at full effort for 5K, so the time of 29 mins that I put was a bit of a guess, which I think may be a little bit out. I don’t necessarily expect to get back to the times of last year - I certainly don’t ever expect to get back to PB pace, those days are long gone, and I doubt I’ll ever even get back to 2018 which is the last time I was really happy with my times - but maybe getting down to around 25 minutes might be achievable. I don’t really know what my aim is time wise, I just want to be able to push myself when running again without feeling rubbish.

Sorry, I know that’s a very long winded answer! I used to love racing, and I think now, with a year without it, I just feel like I’ve really done downhill a lot quicker than I would have expected, and have slowed down far more than most of my club mates.
Mar 2021
8:27am, 11 Mar 2021
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Fenland Flier
Jenny there is no reason you can't get back to where you were.
Stick to the plan as best you can, add warm ups and cool downs for mileage. Make sure your extra runs are slow (say half mara pace +2 minutes a mile) and things will come together for you.
Mar 2021
10:43am, 11 Mar 2021
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Thanks FF - maybe I will get back there one day, it seems so far off though that I’m trying to break it down into more manageable aims first.
Mar 2021
1:30pm, 11 Mar 2021
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Fenland Flier
Oh definitely, PJ is a good start and parkrun will help with a tempo run every week but if you follow those basics you'll get there. :-)
Mar 2021
8:46am, 14 Mar 2021
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I have just joined this ☺️

Because I haven't run for 12 years, due to illness and injury. I started run/walking last Sunday and have been out for a shuffle every other day.

Yesterday I ran my old, regular 5k route with very little walking breaks so think I can call that a run...

I thought I would do 3 runs a week. Not training for anything, my body isn't up to that. No, just for enjoyment of actually running again. This scheme seems perfect to build up proper running form and fitness, without overdoing it, without feeling the need for a target, other than getting strong and consistent enough to go fell running 3x a week. Two short runs on Tuesday and Thursday, a longer one at the weekend... I am hoping to get my 5k time clocked yesterday as 36.25 down to 30 minutes. For perspective my 5k race pb used to be 23.37.
It would be fab if I could get a little faster than 30 minutes for a 5k but I am pretty sure I'd be overdoing things so 30 minutes it will be.
I have to add that where I live there is no flat. My flattest route is down the lane with an elevation of 120 metres... Most of my running is off road and starts with a steep uphill of 180 metres in the first km... What goes up goes down though! ☺️

Does this make sense, experienced Jokerers?

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
A thread for Project Joker participants to share their training achievements and questions.

Joker: fetcheveryone.com/joker.php
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