
7 lurkers | 214 watchers
29 Nov
10:39pm, 29 Nov 2024
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The SNP support has long been a weird alliance of people who in England would be UKIP/Farage voters, and people who could non-Corbyn Labour too right-wing for them. That alliance has started to break down. Alba was intended to mop up the Little Scotlanders, but failed to get going. I suspect they'll all going to Reform now.

At the GE, in my constituency we have an anti-SNP pro-Independence person whose sole focus was on opposing trans-rights. That seems like the sort of person who will be attracted to Reform Scotland, who are selling themselves as a decentralisation party who wants local communities to govern themselves.
29 Nov
11:36pm, 29 Nov 2024
22,468 posts
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Three way tie in Ireland tonight according to exit polls, same result as last time, with Sinn Fein and Green Party both doing over 3% worse than last time. Social Democrats are the interesting rising minor party. Looks like a three party coalition of some sort will be needed, as FF and FG together don't seem capable of making the 88 needed.
30 Nov
10:23am, 30 Nov 2024
5,395 posts
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run free
Why wasn't Lib Dems chosen as an alternative choice?
30 Nov
11:47am, 30 Nov 2024
27,743 posts
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That’s an interesting view DaveG and I would imagine your average SNP voter would reject that completely. The more extreme ones would be up in arms. However I do think with the SNP there is an element of a protest vote.

I find it hard to believe though that many SNP others would support reform, and I also don’t understand why many of the rest would support them either. However a sizeable number do.
30 Nov
12:12pm, 30 Nov 2024
23,436 posts
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Apparently the "red wall" labour MPs have set up a "red wall group" and want Starmer to focus on immigration and raise the salience of it so they can 'combat' reform 🤦

Did they learn nothing from the Tories and what a mess they got themselves into it.

Anything that raises the salience, is a fig leaf to the racists etc etc just helps reform. You cannot outflank them because they will almost always be more extreme than you are prepared to go.

The way to defeat reform is to **lower** the salience of immigration.

I don't understand why the professional politicians and advisors who are paid to think about this stuff don't get it.
30 Nov
12:21pm, 30 Nov 2024
33,053 posts
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macca 53
[because they’re closet racists?]
30 Nov
12:41pm, 30 Nov 2024
18,191 posts
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Starmer seems to be working hard to raise the salience of it himself, not sure why anyone would think he needs any help on that front.
30 Nov
12:42pm, 30 Nov 2024
10,010 posts
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The government does not really control the prominence of what people find to be important. They can and should try and set the agenda, but they have to react to what people's agendas are too.

Immigration has a cycle of people worrying about it, media reporting on it and talking about it, people worrying more about it etc. If the government are constantly challenged on it, they need to have some answers.

Fueling it as an issue is of course completely the wrong thing to do, but understandable why local MPs might feel they need to as "an important local issue" i.e. they might lose their seat to Reform.
30 Nov
12:53pm, 30 Nov 2024
46,775 posts
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@jda is right, Starmer doesn't need help on this but it will just confirm he's doing the right thing until it's too late and Reform are seen as the only answer (possibly in conjunction with the Tories).

It was clear the gallery he was playing to before the election.

Not the first time I've posted this but...


""The UK is recruiting too many people from overseas into the NHS, Sir Keir Starmer has said"


The Labour leader said he has daily conversations with his wife Victoria, who works in the NHS, about the health service's struggles.

Asked what she says is the problem with the NHS, Sir Keir replied: "We haven't got enough people."
30 Nov
1:39pm, 30 Nov 2024
18,192 posts
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I'm sure the one thing we can all agree is that the NHS is grossly over-staffed and the sooner we can deport some foreign nurses and doctors, the better it will be for all us on waiting lists.

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