
4 lurkers | 214 watchers
Jun 2020
1:06pm, 11 Jun 2020
508 posts
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Doesn’t Scotland have its own tax-raising powers? Maybe they could create a hybrid through combining new revenue from these and existing benefits?
Jun 2020
1:08pm, 11 Jun 2020
16,675 posts
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My work don't like that link and the comment made me lol:

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Jun 2020
1:08pm, 11 Jun 2020
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NR, yes we do and we already pay more tax than the rUK...well two men and a dog might pay less.....
Jun 2020
2:47pm, 11 Jun 2020
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macca 53
Some good stuff on Politico today, Stewart saying shutdown long before Johnson, and Jenny Harries throwing herself under the bus by simultaneously making it political and saying the aim is to protect business and the economy and giving Johnson a get out of jail card for (not) following the science

Jun 2020
3:05pm, 11 Jun 2020
64,597 posts
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Former adviser to the PM, Tim Montgomerie on Boris, before & after becoming PM. No punches pulled...

BBC R4 11/06/20 38:22 to 44:36

Jun 2020
3:23pm, 11 Jun 2020
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Johnny Blaze
Interesting. You could argue that the Maybot's downfall at the 2017 election was due to Hill and Timothy deciding manifesto policy (on the "dementia tax") without it being tested against wider opinion. It appears that a similar thing is now happening with Johnson ("Dom won't wear it" used to close down any debate or discussion) .
Jun 2020
3:43pm, 11 Jun 2020
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The game seems to be measure opinion of supporters and implement enough of what they want to keep them content at any given time. Meanwhile pursue whatever policies, safe in the knowledge that the target voters are content about the things they care about and won't worry about other stuff too much.

It's a horribly cynical way to run a democracy but it might be effective - we will see.
Jun 2020
3:53pm, 11 Jun 2020
19,368 posts
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It goes as follows:

Leak keynote policy,
Gauge reception from social media outcry,
Shove other unpalatable policies through while outcry happens about keynote policy,
Adopt/reject keynote policy as per social media feedback,
Receive plaudits for "knowing what the people want and making it happen"

Problem is, Iain and Duncan Smith is rather kyboshing that method of government by running his own policies designed to kill poor people up the flagpole first.

Or maybe that's also part of the plan, let IDS say what he really thinks and shove some slightly less murderous policies through while he's taking the flak.
Jun 2020
4:00pm, 11 Jun 2020
37,765 posts
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I'm sure he's expendable.
Jun 2020
4:01pm, 11 Jun 2020
37,766 posts
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Don't forget 'concoct snappy slogan for keynote policy that the plebs will understand'

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Maintained by Chrisull
Name-calling will be called out, and Ad hominem will be frowned upon. :-) And whatabout-ery sits somewhere above responding to tone and below contradiction.

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