
1 lurker | 214 watchers
Sep 2019
10:51am, 24 Sep 2019
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If Theresa hadn't called a general election...
If the Brexiteers hadn't voted against the Withdrawal Agreement on the grounds that "it wasn't Brexit"...
If Johnson, someone so dishonest to be sacked from two jobs from lying, hadn't been elected by Tory membership to deliver Brexit in a Parliament without a working majority and refusing to acknowledge that he had no majority....

We wouldn't be here now. There were plenty of turnoffs before this point. The Tories chose not to take them.
Sep 2019
10:54am, 24 Sep 2019
16,068 posts
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If the majority of people hadn't voted to leave...
Sep 2019
10:55am, 24 Sep 2019
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Stander what do you want?

I mean I am not actually against your comments on a judiciary. BUT taking back control means that we put faith into our own institutions. If we don't like them, well... that is too bad because that is what we've chosen to do.

Personally I'd have:

1) Proportional Representation
2) An English Parliament
3) Devolved regional assemblies with powers to raise taxes
4) An abolished house of Lords, replaced by a partly elected, partly randomly selected house
5) A written constitution
6) Reformed banks

All of this can be done without torching existing relationships with the EU.

If 1) had been chosen, you'd have your Brexit already, because Brexit Party/UKIP would have enough in coalition with Tories to push through legislation.

Really I have no sympathy.
Sep 2019
10:56am, 24 Sep 2019
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Wil be v interesting to see how politicians who supported prorogation in this manner now characterise the judiciary making this decision.

Imagine a position 20 years ago where a hypothetical situation of the PM's use of prerogative power to advise the Queen on closing parliament was deemed to be unlawful. Could you imagine back then the PM not being instantly required to resign purely from a moral perspective? Unthinkable. Yet there's no way he'll be falling on his sword, is there?

VONC soon?
Sep 2019
10:56am, 24 Sep 2019
15,247 posts
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I mean it's not as if there was a legally binding referendum on a version of PR already?

Oh there was...
Sep 2019
10:58am, 24 Sep 2019
8,757 posts
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I'm imagining Stander that you don't think the Govt coffers are big enough to have bought justice for themselves against private individuals in the Court? If you can buy justice, surely to goodness it's the govt that can afford to do that!!
Sep 2019
10:58am, 24 Sep 2019
18,863 posts
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Was the AV referendum legally binding?
Sep 2019
10:59am, 24 Sep 2019
16,069 posts
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Agree with 5 and 6 Chris.

Partly agree with 3 and 4 - ie should be devolved governance (level of we may difer of) and should replace the House of Lords with something more relevant (again, may disagree with what to replace it with).

Don't agree with 1.

Not fussed about 2, but in absence of would suggest English affairs should not be held to hostage by (say) Scottish MP's.
Sep 2019
11:03am, 24 Sep 2019
18,864 posts
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Just had a look at the Leave.EU Facebook feed.

So many gammon utterly losing their shit.

Now, remind me who wanted a sovereign UK parliament and British laws being decided in British courts again?

Or was it *really* all about the foreigners?
Sep 2019
11:04am, 24 Sep 2019
18,865 posts
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[Questions not aimed at any particular member of this forum by the way, simply rhetorical...]

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