
3 lurkers | 214 watchers
Sep 2019
12:51pm, 23 Sep 2019
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A remain-leaning corbynite (who?) is already much much closer to the centre of the party.
Sep 2019
1:05pm, 23 Sep 2019
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No point pleasing the members if the voters think differently which is essentially why Corbyn's policy is what it is.
Sep 2019
1:05pm, 23 Sep 2019
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He might be wrong, but that's the reason.
Sep 2019
1:24pm, 23 Sep 2019
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That's his stated reason. Doesn't mean it's the real reason, and there is lots of evidence that labour has lost a huge proportion of its voters through their position when a remain-leaning stance would have fared far better (another survey saying as much just today - labour leave voters won't switch to the brexit party).

The real reason is probably that he and his coterie of advisors are loony lexit brexiters who think they can usher in a socialist utopia out of the clutches of the capitalist pigs across the channel.
Sep 2019
2:12pm, 23 Sep 2019
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Agree jda, one thing Corbyn is not is someone who lets his principles be dictated by the number of votes he will gain or lose in the electorate as a whole. It is perfectly valid to say that Labour has an issue in appealing to the Brexit working class, but I would suggest that Corbyn's rationale for being anti-EU (which has a long history in the left with opposition to the concept of a body which they believe is designed to further capitalism) is quite different from rationale adopted by many of those who might vote Labour with a Leave flavour.

I've posted before that my better half is likely to refuse to vote Labour in the next election, despite us living in a constituency where in all likelohood it will be a red-blue choice, simply because of Corbyn's stance on Europe. I don't think the electoral position is that clear that Corbyn *needs* to be Leave to get the best out of the complex constituency positions.

There are other flaws to Corbyn / Momentum though which are not just the Brexit position, and we could still end up with a leadership which has aspirational but ultimately unelectable social and economic policies from the Corbyn "stable", even if they were a remainer.
Sep 2019
3:12pm, 23 Sep 2019
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More on tactical voting by the Independent over the weekend... could oust up to 60 Tories if it is done... Labour could end up gaining seats instead of losing seats...


Seems like win win
Sep 2019
3:26pm, 23 Sep 2019
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My fear is that for every tactically positive vote against the Tories, there may well be equally "conscience driven" absence of positive votes for Labour in Lab/Con marginals (c.f. my better half). Notable that more Labour voters are willing to vote LibDem to oppose the Tories than there are LibDem voters prepared to back a Labour candidate to avoid supporting Corbyn (I assume).
Sep 2019
7:09pm, 23 Sep 2019
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Yep, Labour need to move towards the centre ground and embrace remain to be more electable.

What they need is a message of why remain is good for jobs and workers rights. It's not rocket science, but then momentum aren't very good with rockets..
Sep 2019
7:28pm, 23 Sep 2019
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Well that's two of the mainstream parties I can't vote for now, I had been edging towards labour recently as rays of hope filtered through. However, the sneaky Watson ambush, designed to stifle debate, and this stupid continuation of the complete fudge since pre-referendum that the labour leadership has maintained on Brexit have done it for me. I had hoped that sense would prevail.
Sep 2019
8:10pm, 23 Sep 2019
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Agreed, Mike. They're just talking among themselves now. I think we're in for the worst of all combinations now - a Johnson government with a good majority after a GE, and a No Deal Brexit as a result.

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