Nov 2021
10:07am, 2 Nov 2021
1,229 posts
jda, as a matter of interest and because I am nosey, what is your Max HR?
Nov 2021
11:08am, 2 Nov 2021
11,065 posts
About 165 I think, it was unusually low 30 years ago (maybe 175 then), but is getting close to 220-age these days. I can reliably reach 160 (albeit briefly) when zwifting, I don't have so much good data from running as historically my readings have been a bit dodgy so I discount the odd spike.
Nov 2021
11:46am, 2 Nov 2021
11,067 posts
It may be as important that my resting pulse can be as low as 30, so anything over 100 is half way through my range! I run marathons mostly in the 140s, when it drifts over 150 is about the point it gets hard for me.
4 consecutive goes at Mancs:
Nov 2021
12:19pm, 2 Nov 2021
1,230 posts
OK, thanks. I know there is no 'right' max and it is pointless comparing them, but when talking about training HRs it is relevant I suppose. Your training HRs are low compared to mine but my max is 193-195 (never tested in a lab, so this is just a field test, but I am happy it is in the right ballpark) and RHR is about 52, so that would make sense. I train around 140bpm, and I know I am fit when I can trot along at a reasonable pace for me in the low 130s on the flat
Nov 2021
12:36pm, 2 Nov 2021
35,591 posts
That's why you talk in terms of percentages.
Nov 2021
12:38pm, 2 Nov 2021
1,231 posts
SPR, yes, I know I was interested in jda'a max after he mentioned his training HRs.
Nov 2021
1:28pm, 2 Nov 2021
1,919 posts
I also track HR and use it on my recovery, easy, and as a cap on my steady runs.
All these HRs fall broadly around the 65-75% max range which is probably only spanned by about 17 bpm (my resting and max HRs are pretty close to jda's)
My 75% MaxHR is about 70%WHR and I got quite fit over lockdown mixing up >70%max (easy) with runs at 70% WHR (steady) and little else.
I try to keep out of the area between this steady and my threshold unless I'm running a progression run or sometimes marathon effort at the end within a longer run.
Nov 2021
1:35pm, 2 Nov 2021
75,094 posts
Maybe I'm just lazy as my easy runs are anything from 8 to 12mm and my HR rarely above 120 which is below 60% using Karvonnen Formula
Nov 2021
1:54pm, 2 Nov 2021
1,920 posts
Wouldn't say that Gobi I could run at that pace and am sure it'd do pretty much the same thing. I sometimes run at that pace with my daughter and it's good fun (probably cos I'm running with her if I'm honest).
I did a session last night so this lunchtime run was 'easy' 114bpm, 7:45 pace, about 66% maxHR a shade over 60% WHR on the Karvonen scale.
Nov 2021
2:18pm, 2 Nov 2021
75,095 posts
yeah, I run with my other half and my HR is 90s