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The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free. But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient. Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead. Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?

Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Pi Club

38 watchers
May 2016
3:13pm, 16 May 2016
189 posts
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Cheers fetcheveryone. Had done a bit of that, but will look at it further.
May 2016
3:51pm, 16 May 2016
1,378 posts
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The beauty of something like a Pi or arduino is that you can quite simply connect stuff to it. Pi + a couple of wires, a resistor, and an LED and you can very quickly create a flashing light that you can control which is a lot more satisfying than it might sound.

Extend that by looking at libraries that connect to the internet and you can have a light that flashes on and off when somebody tweets a specific hashtag (for example). Or get an ultrasonic sensor, a bit more wiring and programming and your little LED can be made to light up when someone gets near the sensor.

There are examples all over the place, have fun.
Nov 2016
7:49am, 3 Nov 2016
1,391 posts
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I finally found some time a couple of weeks back to solder the headers for a hifiberry DAC (from hifiberry.com except the one I've got for the old Pi appears to be discontinued) and was pleasantly surprised when it actually produced some decent sounds (after finding the correct settings on runeaudio.

I've also switched from runeaudio to volumio (since it seems to be under continuing development and has some great features including the ability to create a wifi hotspot which allows you to connect to it so you can then configure it to connect to whatever network you have!) and stuck in a 64GB flash drive (more than big enough for my music collection at the moment but might replace with a bigger HDD as it develops).

Next, I want to see if I can find ways to access live BBC radio (there are forums about this but it seems that the beeb keep changing the address that the stream comes from :( ), and also see if there are ways to tap into youtube.

I am also using the same pi to run kodi off a separate sd card - it would be nice to sort of combine the best features of both of these systems and/or be able to swap quickly between them but not sure exactly where I'm going with that plan.

Finally (for now), my other great discovery has been a ghd hair straightener box which is large enough (actually overlarge but that's ok!) to house the pi, a usb hub, flash drive, mini keyboard/mouse pointer, extra sd cards, extra cables, and so on. It's nice and sturdy and can be accessed by a lid and/or by a side that flaps down which is quite smart. It also has glittery bits on it :) I'll do some pictures at some point.
Nov 2016
8:34am, 3 Nov 2016
10,165 posts
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volumio constant updates you say? I have volumio connecting my PC/itunes to my stereo/speakers, however it took such a faff to configure, I daren't touch it again. How easy is the upgrading? Is it likely to break it a delicate config?
Nov 2016
8:42am, 3 Nov 2016
1,393 posts
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Not sure what the upgrade path is like because I just loaded the most recent one (volumio-2.001-2016-10-15-pi)
Nov 2016
8:42am, 3 Nov 2016
1,394 posts
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Not sure what the upgrade path is like because I just loaded the most recent one (volumio-2.001-2016-10-15-pi)
Nov 2016
8:49am, 3 Nov 2016
10,166 posts
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I suppose back it up on a hard drive (or second SD card) and then see how it goes!
Nov 2016
4:42pm, 4 Nov 2016
16,686 posts
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This would mean I can get rid that old long audio jack that currently hangs of the back of my amp and plugs into my iPhone/ipad...

I assume you can stream to it over airplay or from streaming services? Spotify through my stereo? Worth spending a few quid on...
Jan 2018
1:12am, 12 Jan 2018
6 posts
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Hi guys, a bit of a reach here but I'm looking for other tech minded people and couldn't think of any better forum than this! I'm looking for internships as part of my Computer Science degree and have been unsuccessful so far. Does anyone work for, or know of, tech companies or companies with substantial IT departments based in London that are looking to take on an intern? If so I'd really appreciate if you could drop me an fmail, you'd be doing me a huge favour, even if it's just a link I can apply through!
Aug 2020
11:36am, 24 Aug 2020
24,567 posts
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Just shared my Pi watering project:



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I thought I'd start a thread for Raspberry Pi fans. This is it :-)
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