Hi ,
It looks like you're using an ad blocker.

The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free. But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient. Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead. Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?

Ian Williams aka Fetch
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4 watchers
May 2017
10:41am, 23 May 2017
2,060 posts
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I use Tapiriik to make sure that some of my various repositories of run data are all kept in sync. As a Garmin user, I don't need that for Fetch, but there will be some other user scenarios where using a facility like that would be good (e.g. users who only use their phones with strava for example).

Any plans to work with the guy who looks after the Tapiriik service to allow synchronization, or are there blocks which would mean this can't work?
Mar 2019
8:54am, 9 Mar 2019
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I was just thinking about this, Tapiriik is all open source so it should be possible to add fetch as a new service if there was a suitable api for fetch
Mar 2019
11:11am, 9 Mar 2019
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It relies on the guy that owns the site feeling it's work while him coding the site etc.
Mar 2019
1:23pm, 9 Mar 2019
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Not really, it's open source and hosted on github, so it might only take a semi-competent developer to checkout the code, add the new service and then create a pull request - it then just needs the site owner to agree that the new code is up to scratch it can me merged into the main code base and deployed.
Looking at the Fetch API, I think it can be done. I may give it a go - hardest part could be setting up the various dependencies so I can run the code locally for testing/debugging
Mar 2019
7:31pm, 9 Mar 2019
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Ah, didn't realise it had gone into GitHub, it's been a while since I last needed to use it for syncing stuff since I moved from TomTom to Garmin.

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Maintained by larkim
I use Tapiriik to make sure that some of my various repositories of run data are all kept in sync. ...
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