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38 watchers
Mar 2016
9:17am, 19 Mar 2016
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I know there's software that will work on motion recognition.
Mar 2016
10:11am, 19 Mar 2016
10,708 posts
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Oh cool. That might be good.
Mar 2016
2:13pm, 21 Mar 2016
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Gribbly Grobbly
I've just been working with a pi camera and 'Motion' and it works a treat.

The 'Motion' set up is a tiny bit involved but well worth it because from a standing start (a fresh Raspbian installation) it provides live streaming on the local network (and internet if desired) as well as saved video files and snapshots on any detected motion. All of this and the motion sensitivity parameters (tuned by you) are done by a single well commented configuration file. Motion is started by a cron job on boot.

The dependencies on installation were a pain until I found the fruit of someone else's hard work. For a pi camera specific set up, look here for installation instructions:


For added email functionality, I've used ssmtp and heirloom-mailx. This allows attachments and simple emailing from either the command line, a script, or easiliy from the motion-mmal configuration script. I use the command on_movie_end to email a video and it works well.

I also have a separate Pi that receives the motion alert email and sounds and displays a persistent but cancellable alert on a touchscreen whenever motion is detected - useful when I'm in the house but not looking at emails.
Mar 2016
6:39am, 22 Mar 2016
4,188 posts
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Sounds good GG. Might have to try that.
Mar 2016
9:08am, 22 Mar 2016
8,625 posts
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I've run motion, the live streaming was a little slower (frame rate wise) than hoped for, and also you start running out of space quite quickly unless you delete everything once you've recorded and uploaded it (I upload it to Google drive)
Mar 2016
11:22am, 22 Mar 2016
11 posts
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Gribbly Grobbly
For lengthy high resolution, you won't get something for nothing and so storage comes into play. I use larger SD cards (32GB) and, for some projects, a USB hard drive. WD are doing a Pi drive deal at the moment with 314GB (geddit?) but their 1TB HDD may not break the bank. wdlabs.wd.com If connecting to a Pi 3, I'd consider a beefier power supply than the WD 2A PSU since 2.5A is recommended for the 3 with anything on the USB and that amperage works well with the touch-screen. Adding an HDD to it, I've gone for >3.5A power supplies for belts and braces since inadequate power on the Pi can manifest itself in several ways, including SD card corruption.

File deletion admin on the Pi can be important for file-busy projects and I use a Cron job with 'find' to transfer files and to delete files older than a week. It is said that frequent writing will kill an SD card but I've yet to see that even with a project running continuously for three years. The HD avoids the risk.

Motion's resolution is fine for what I've used it for. I've used higher resolution recording and streaming by triggering PiCamera via a PIR detector and also streaming via JW player a while ago. Motion is a very quick and neat solution compared to that. Motion could be used to trigger higher resolution recording via PiCamera and thereby avoiding any other motion detection electrickery, although a PIR detector is cheap and the wiring and use through Python isn't complicated.
Mar 2016
2:01pm, 22 Mar 2016
10,716 posts
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Pi Zero just back in stock at PiHut.
Mar 2016
3:12pm, 22 Mar 2016
1,366 posts
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...and appears to be sold out again.

I've got RuneAudio running on a Pi model B, accessing a shared server (actually an old Dell desktop running Ubuntu) over SMB on our home wifi, playback is through headphone jack into stereo (wifiberry DAC still waiting for soldering to happen). The sound is fine but playback can be slightly choppy at times - i.e. playback will be interrupted for about half a second every so often - enough to be annoying.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows where the problem is likely to be. I came up with the following list of possibilities:
1) Something wrong with the ripped tracks (I think I ruled this out by rewinding and playing same bits of music again which went ok)
2) Ability of server to serve up tracks over SMB sufficiently quickly (I think this is unlikely)
3) Ability of wifi to keep up with required transfer rates (not sure about this - I have a feeling our free router may not really be up to the job of keeping a connected family of 5 happy)
4) The raspberry Pi itself is struggling to convert mp3 to audio signal fast enough (not convinced by this hypothesis)

Next step is probably to try connecting a portable HD with a copy of the music direct to the USB which would hopefully solve the issue if it's 2) or 3) and to get the DAC fitted which may or may not improve performance at the Pi end (but should improve sound quality anyway)
Mar 2016
4:42pm, 22 Mar 2016
3,392 posts
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I don't think it would be #4 all by itself, as it's easily within its capacity, but if the OS on your R-Pi decided to wander off and do something else instead for a while, that would give the symptoms you describe. Playing audio has some fixed real-time constraints, so the OS needs to know that it can't just go off and de-frag a disk for a few hundred milliseconds, or whatever.
Mar 2016
11:02pm, 22 Mar 2016
8,628 posts
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Having Volumio do a similar task for me, and getting occasionally choppiness too, my vote is with #3. When all children are playing games online/watching youtube, then the wifi really struggles. I had to upgrade to an ac router and adapters (drastic but as I work from home mainly, I need good quality wifi anyway) to grease the bottleneck.

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