Hi ,
It looks like you're using an ad blocker.

The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free. But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient. Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead. Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?

Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Pi Club

38 watchers
Sep 2020
9:50pm, 6 Sep 2020
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All real programmers look away now: Run The Sum worker-outer.

# RunTheSum.py
# Purpose: Days of the month summation in kms for Fetch game


for days in range(1,MonthDays):

units=days % 10






print ("day "+str(days)+": "+str(km)+" km, "+str(round(miles,2))+" miles"+". Cumulative "+str(cumulativeKm)+"km, "+str(round(cumulativeMiles,2))+" miles")
Sep 2020
9:50pm, 6 Sep 2020
276 posts
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And all of the indentation disappeared on submitting. Darn.
Sep 2020
10:13pm, 6 Sep 2020
277 posts
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I find 'Barrier' really useful for running a Pi on its own screen alongside a desktop or laptop and using the keyboard and mouse of the desktop without additional keyboards cluttering the desk (and typing on one keyboard when I meant to type on another, etc.) I prefer it to VNC or SSHing-in for some projects; particularly for onboard graphic use. It also allows cut and pasting from PC/Mac to Pi and vice-versa.

Sep 2020
10:55pm, 7 Sep 2020
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I received a 433MHz RF receiver module in the post today, and connected it to a ludicrously cheap Wemos Mini D1 microcontroller. The Wemos runs Tasmota and is configured to publish an MQTT message whenever it detects a particular RF signal. The MQTT message (handled by the open source mosquito MQTT broker running on a Pi Zero) is caught by a bash script running on the same Pi Zero.

I already use Kodi (OSMC on Raspberry Pi) in the kitchen, livingroom and backroom to access Live TV, Recorded TV, Radio, YouTube and my Music/Video library).

End Result - When my cheap RF wireless doorbell is pressed:

- The doorbell base unit chimes, just as it always did (but I rarely hear it, unless I’m in the same room and not playing anything loud).

- I now also get a ‘Telegram’ alert that causes my iPhone, iPad and Garmin watch to alert me that the doorbell rang.

- If Kodi is active in any room, it’ll pause playback and display a notification on the screen.

Only cost a few quid, a few hours of screen time!

RF Module: amazon.co.uk

Wemos: uk.banggood.com
Sep 2020
9:45am, 8 Sep 2020
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Nice work.

I wasn't familiar with the Wemos Mini D1 device. It has a pretty powerful Tensilica CPU, which has shipped in quantities of billions (certainly more than Intel or AMD x86 devices) and yet is almost unheard of. I spent my working career as a chip designer and sometimes it still shocks me how much processing power you can have for pennies these days. I'm reminded of Marvin the paranoid android - that thing could be beating you at Chess, running a flight simulator and hosting a web server and still be listening out for an occasional RF signal.
Nov 2020
2:50pm, 6 Nov 2020
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Finally bi the bullet and bought a Pi 4 a couple of weeks ago.

Set up pihole (Ad blocker) and added a backup disk so I can view all the photos from any device in the house.
Nov 2020
3:00pm, 6 Nov 2020
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Nice work Fergus, that's put another idea in my head. I've been slow on the Pi of late but there are more plans than time. I'm currently irrationally happy at the idea of the Pi 400 - even though there's a Pi 4 already on the desk beside me. Somehow, the fact that they've finally released their own integrated keyboard/computer in a form factor so evocative of the Spectrum, Oric, C64, and others, just brings a wave of nostalgia. And it's got that nice lap-warning heatsink like the Spectrum - for the coming winter - and is already clocked at 1.8 Ghz. Jeff Geerling's taken it to 2.2 GHz but I haven't seen the numbers yet.
Nov 2020
3:04pm, 6 Nov 2020
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Good work. Funny to think how that would’ve required an old rescued PC in the past, and would’ve taken up space and made a lot of fan noise!
Nov 2020
3:04pm, 6 Nov 2020
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^warning=warming^ !

I hope it's not a lap-warner - that sounds like another project for someone else. I think I've just had a Prague moment.
Nov 2020
7:18pm, 28 Nov 2020
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I bought a Pi B 5yrs ago but never got to grips with it. Also got MagPi with the first PiZero attached, unused. Saw the 400 and that restarted my interest, in a week I've got the 400 running as a desktop, the B running PiHole, and two Zero W's, one running a justboom sound output, the other and Autumn Watch cam using Zerocam Noir and Motioneyeos, although no IR source so a bit of a usb lamp hack to get it working.

The latter was today's project I'm testing in the garden with an Anker Powercore Mini and we've already seen a fox on screen which was ace. I'm hoping that clip is saved ok on the sd card.

I think I could get into making more useful things for around the house.

Pics of zero autumn watch cam:

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