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parkrun thread

2 lurkers | 507 watchers
May 2021
8:47am, 13 May 2021
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Fizz :-)
The only time I’ve commented was when Craig Daniel finished in 007th at Bedford once.
May 2021
8:59am, 13 May 2021
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Wading in here with a random comment/question because I don't know where else to air it.

Is parkrun a sport or an event?
What is so different in governance/risk/pester power between parkrun and the LDWA?

Yet another summer LDWA challenge event has been cancelled because they can't be sure that restrictions will be lifted completely on 21st June and as, apparently, walking events are not classified as "sport" they cn't operate under the current or May 17th restrictions.

Now I'm not sure I agree with that decision, but I haven't read all the paperwork. Some events seem to think they can go ahead and indeed have been doing, but other groups are adamant it's not within the guidelines. Despite commercial walking/running events starting to go ahead.

I think my question is what can parkrun HQ tell the LDWA groups that would give them confidence they can operate challenge walks within the rules?
May 2021
9:00am, 13 May 2021
967 posts
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The only problem with phone based barcodes now is the time it will take once you have a queue of people all with cold and wet hands trying to unlock their screens and find where they have the barcodes on their phones. Then you'll also have people not running with their phone and having to fetch it from the car as mentioned in posts a couple of pages ago in relation to getting early finishers to jump in with the scanning. Those people then forgetting why they went back to the car and disappearing with the finish tokens.

They will change the not scanning phone based barcodes in time, but it's not top of the list of things to fix and there will be a couple of other issues with the flow of people to consider if everyone were using phones.
May 2021
9:03am, 13 May 2021
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The govt guidance including organised walks is pretty clear and obvious Rosehip:-
"Organised sport participation events

Organised sport participation events such as races and organised walks can take place outdoors and are exempt from legal gathering limits. However they must follow the measures for organised sport participation events set out in the guidance on safe provision of grassroots sport."

From gov.uk
May 2021
9:06am, 13 May 2021
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Re; permissions

They've allowed only 16 working days between requesting them & the 21 May, when they need to decide/announce.
Including today, there's 6 days left.

At 2/3 (66%) of the way through, looks like only 27% of events have permission.

It could ramp up, but it would have to be a vertical ramp!
May 2021
9:07am, 13 May 2021
212 posts
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Events cancelling is likely to do with them being unable to get cancellation insurance.
Brighton Pride is in that situation.
May 2021
9:09am, 13 May 2021
20,766 posts
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People don't run with their printed barcode, and have to get it from their car.

Paper barcodes become smudged and unscannable and take time for the equipment to read properly. Some of the colours of wristband don't scan well, some scan better with the Opticon than the phone app.
It can take a while to scan a shoelace tag, as well.

They could absolutely use the opportunity that has arisen seeing as how we have to change the way scanning is done at most events to resolve this particular issue.

They won't because it's how it has always been, and instead hide behind rationale to fit the rule, rather than a rule to solve a problem.

Of course, if we do move away from printed barcodes, then parkrun won't get any sweet, sweet kickback from the sale of plastic cards, tags and wristbands. Is that the real reason?
May 2021
9:11am, 13 May 2021
21,076 posts
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So why are they saying they can't do it under the rules? - I don't understand!

But it's volunteers and their ball so can't complain about groups decisions.
May 2021
9:14am, 13 May 2021
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The chaos of what is expected of everyone post 21st June is rapidly approaching I fear. After the relative simplicity of lockdowns and roadmapped restriction lifting, we're heading into "make it up for yourselves" territory which is going to be really inconsistent I fear.

Just last night I saw our local Scouts send out a "return to face to face" email which more or less described their return as being in the same blunt instrument arrangements as about April last year; 2m queuing, 2m distancing at all times, lots of sanitising etc which broadly ignores the fact that all of the kids involved will have been sat next to each other on buses, in classes etc with reduced restrictions from Monday. The commercial world will be reducing restriction levels, pubs and bars will be opening and progressing to a position of no "legal" restrictions in place.

parkrun and other events are going to get caught up in that and it will take a while to settle down.
May 2021
9:14am, 13 May 2021
213 posts
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The LDWA are recognised as the NGB by Sport England.
So, if they've got Covid guidelines, & the event follows them, & is authorised by LDWA, then it should already be able to go ahead.

Do the LDWA have their own insurance, or do events have to have their own?

About This Thread

Maintained by Hendo
A discussion of all things parkrun.

Here's a wiki giving brief reviews of parkruns up and down the land:


parkruns with restart permission: google.com

Note: Hendo is a boy.

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