Jan 2018
3:13pm, 5 Jan 2018
7,103 posts
Interesting thought. Promoting sports events is not considered a charitable purpose (unlike say running an extremely expensive socially exclusive public school), other than the recentish change in the law made for multi-sport community clubs. Promotion of health is an allowable charitable purpose, as is promotion of volunteering.
Jan 2018
3:16pm, 5 Jan 2018
8,510 posts
mrs shanksi
parkwalk by the end of 2018 😉
It's about the run for me. And then the cafe and chat. I enjoy volunteering so folk can run too.
Jan 2018
3:19pm, 5 Jan 2018
357 posts
It seems odd to me that the content is in an email that goes to people who are already registered for parkrun. I can see the "all inclusive" message being useful for people who are not yet engaged with parkrun, but the majority* of recipients of the emailed newsletter will have already participated.
I have to say that my experience of parkrun is that it *is* about the run, in that most of the people I've met who started out walk/running are now running it all, and most people are delighted when they get a PB. And I know a lot of people who have "graduated" from parkrun to "real races" because they no longer view the cameraderie of runners at a race as being cliquey.
* I know there are people registered who haven't run yet - I was registered for 2 years before I got along due to being pregnant.
Jan 2018
3:27pm, 5 Jan 2018
5,369 posts
The parkrun discussion group scares me as well, I don't read it any more. The tourist one is o.k. (but a lot of self promotion which I'm not a big fan of) but my fav FB group is the statsgeek one!
Jan 2018
3:29pm, 5 Jan 2018
2,270 posts
I'm not at all perturbed if some people treat it as a social gathering, in fact it's great if the volunteers feel that way. But it is about the run for a lot of people. That's all.
Jan 2018
3:29pm, 5 Jan 2018
635 posts
So, Parkrun is becoming inclusive to everyone....except runners?
Jan 2018
3:32pm, 5 Jan 2018
2,271 posts
Honestly at the modest number of different events I've attended, I have never got the impression that more serious runners (= anyone quicker than me, obviously) are not completely welcome.
Jan 2018
3:37pm, 5 Jan 2018
13,045 posts
I'm not someone who is fond of the parkrun koolaid at all so please bear that in mind when I say that for me parkrun is not about just the run. The run is only an excuse to meet some chums, do something vaguely beneficial in the open air and then hang out and talk. I'm usually introspective, misanthropic and stunningly selfish but the run part of parkrun has been a catalyst for a series of other changes in my life. For me, parkrun is about the people who run (or walk), the people who volunteer, and a relationship with the places where we meet.
The truth of the matter is that the parkrun concept allows a lot of very different people with different motivations towards running and exercise the opportunity to run for whatever motive drives them on any particular Saturday morning. For some of us that's the run but it's a lot more than that.
Jan 2018
3:41pm, 5 Jan 2018
50,979 posts
plodding hippo
Im actually walking my 300th parkrun tomorrow Sorry, no option
Jan 2018
4:15pm, 5 Jan 2018
7,568 posts
I hope that won’t be painful and that you can enjoy the occasion Hipps.