Over 60's training

1 lurker | 40 watchers
11 Sep
1:31pm, 11 Sep 2024
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Sorry to hear about the various meds, @Torque Steer !

Easy day today ahead of my Wednesday evening long stretch, quite possibly followed by a visit to an alehouse.

Wordle in one never! Today was five.
11 Sep
5:48pm, 11 Sep 2024
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@alehouse longest run since February is definitely a benchmark. I always did wonder about the name 😁

@Canute on the days when I am struggling to go for a run I try and remember how fortunate I am. I agree with Welshpoppy.

How was the run @Welshpoppy ?

Wordle in one @Torque Steer ! Five for me today. Sorry to hear about the infection. Hopefully the antibiotics work quickly for you.

Only in England can you go from racing in 23 degrees sunshine to running in 8 degrees, wind and hail three days later 🙄 My run started in quite pleasant conditions and as my legs seemed pretty responsive I decided to do 10 miles progressively. First mile 9.59, last mile 7.28, average pace 8.40 with the last three in horrid conditions. Summer is on it's way to you @NZD 😉
11 Sep
11:03pm, 11 Sep 2024
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Weather definitely on the turn solo, good run though.

Alehouse in an Alehouse- of course.

Just easy recovery runs here....
12 Sep
12:00am, 12 Sep 2024
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@Welshpoppy and @Solo, thanks for your encouragement. My knee continues to cope well with my current easy jog/walk sessions. Unfortunately, these sessions have not been adequate to produce any increase in VO2max yet. In fact, my VO2max has continued to decrease slightly even since starting the jog/walk sessions. Today it is down to 38 ml/min/Kg. It is now time to start increasing my pace with the goal of increasing my fitness.

@Torque Steer, sorry to hear about the infected operation site. I hope the antibiotics deal with it quickly .
12 Sep
11:13am, 12 Sep 2024
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Re the name Alehouse, in the mid 70s I was at Uni and founded the cross country touring team using the name Alehouse Academicals. Academicals has been dropped but the team lives on with kit a plenty as well these days, hence my photo!

Wordle in three

Training: undecided.

Garden: have just picked what may well be the last of the beans and courgettes; frost forecast overnight!
12 Sep
11:30am, 12 Sep 2024
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Torque Steer
@Solo so you decided ot hurry up as the weather changed :-)?
Impressive last mile pace after a long run and on top of previous efforts.

@0061 for some reason your tag doesn't appear when I try it?
How are your legs feeling?

@Welshpoppy how did your run go?

@alehouse that visit sounded like a productive use of time

Not so sure about the stretching :-)
Saw that forecast as well!!

@Canute my Garmin VO2 max also dropped a couple of points when I resumed my walk/run efforts but soon perked back up again although it is still very low at 40 compared to its normal 50+ - assisted in that by considerable weight gain:-(

Thanks all - there is no discomfort with the infection - it just oozes (now that would be a good wordle!) a bit and will hopefully clear up soon. They are keeping an eye on it however and I am back tomorrow for a check up, followed by a physio assessment session on my knee which I fear will be unproductive - we shall see.

At least I will get my money's worth out of the extortionate hospital car park charges!!

However back on the levothyroxine means I will fail a drugs test when back to competition:-)

Wordle in five today
12 Sep
12:05pm, 12 Sep 2024
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Run yesterday went okay 4,5 miles slow but achilles behaved.Today it was naughty so just under 3 miles as playing me up so laps on the flat boring but at least I ran.
I washed compression socks so need to dig out my other pairs.I have taped it as well and that helps with day to day pain .Just not for running will tape differently and hope that helps.

Old laptop 11 years old would not let me log in to laptop so have had to use my new one .....it may take a few years to get used to it.;-)

Wordle in Five.
12 Sep
12:57pm, 12 Sep 2024
306 posts
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Today's exercise turned out to be 5, 3, 3 minutes with shorter breaks in between. Felt like I had never run in my life and very conscious of carrying an extra stone. Daren't look at the paces and indeed won't for a good time to come. Same time on feet as Tuesday but shorter recovery.

Re @OO61 , @Torque Steer , I believe it is two capital OOs then 61.
12 Sep
5:02pm, 12 Sep 2024
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@alehouse paces can be very demoralising when on the recovery road so avoidance is a good plan.

@Torque Steer very good wordle word 😁 three for me today. I am really hoping when I am able to race in more favourable conditions, on a good course, I seem an improvement in my recent times. The cooler conditions are giving me a nice increase in pace.
Hope all goes well at the hospital.

@Welshpoppy glad you were able to find a way to run without antagonising your achilles. I suffered shin splints whilst training for my very first marathon and did all my long runs round a one mile playing field. Five times I did 20 miles like that !

How long do you usually taper for @OO61 ? Not many weeks to Chester.

Hope the increase in pace goes well @Canute
12 Sep
10:30pm, 12 Sep 2024
276 posts
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Keep up the good work Alehouse. I'm sure it's gonna take a while but good to have you back running.

Yes they're O's not 0s TS. The origin is Olney One, where I lived at the time. Sounds like you've got a lot going on- take care. Legs are fine but just a bike ride today.

I've given up on laptops WP, just use my phone for everything.
Solo, I'll start taper after Redcar Half in 2 weeks. My last 20 miler is Sunday 🤞

I'm sure the fitness will come Canute once the knee improves. I never really look at V02 max.

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Maintained by Torque Steer
a refugee from Runner's World where the Forum is closing down and hoping to bring others across

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