Over 50's club

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Aug 2023
3:10pm, 9 Aug 2023
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I had a teacher who denounced me as the Devils Child, strapped my left arm to my body and forced me to write with my right hand.

I like to think Education has moved from these days............. :-)

I think this is where my deep seated mistrust of overtly religious people started. She was a Nun who hid her evil behind her habit.
Aug 2023
3:18pm, 9 Aug 2023
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Lip Gloss
My mum had to get in touch with the school and tell them to leave to write with whatever hand I wanted. I do wander if I would have have neater writing with my right hand as I do go off on a slope
Aug 2023
3:54pm, 9 Aug 2023
64,881 posts
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I taught myself to do some things lefthanded just to see if I could (my tendency to reverse letters when writing as a small child having been put down to "she's mibby a wee bit ambidextrous" rather than "she's jist being a lazy wee midden, skelp her bum"). I'm very right handed and the only things I got close to doing as well with my left and right hands were new skills - playing Swingball and eating with chopsticks.
Aug 2023
4:19pm, 9 Aug 2023
25,419 posts
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I cannot do anything with my left hand. Or foot.

I have a son who is left handed though.
Aug 2023
4:41pm, 9 Aug 2023
21,844 posts
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Like Flatlander, I can do many things ambidextrously. It worries people particularly when you play table tennis and move the bat rather than your body! And it's good for messing with the fielding teams in rounders. (I hit equally poorly with both hands ;) .)

But it deffo a genetic streak - my Dad was a leftie, my sister and I are, my youngest son is.
Although it seems all the grandchildren a right handed throwbacks, which is odd because 2 of their mothers (daughters in law) are both left handed. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Aug 2023
4:51pm, 9 Aug 2023
43,300 posts
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apologies didn't reply to your reply to my reply (that's certainly not English)

Seriously impressed with your language skills but guilty of my lack of them
Aug 2023
4:55pm, 9 Aug 2023
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bigleggy I went to a Catholic primary school had to go to classes to cure me. Even a boy who was ambidextrous

It didn't work am thankful to say
Aug 2023
7:24pm, 9 Aug 2023
2,872 posts
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3M, I used to do that in rounders as well, the other sides would get annoyed with me. ;-)

Held the bat in my RH while waiting for the pitcher to throw so the fielders would set themselves for a RH batter. As the pitcher threw the ball, I'd switch the bat to my LH and hit the ball to where the fielders weren't.
Next time, I'd hold the bat in my LH, fielders would line up accordingly, I'd switch to RH and hit the ball the other way.
Subsequent balls, the poor fielders didn't know what to do! Whichever way they chose, I'd use the other hand which would enable me to hit it the opposite direction. If they spread themselves out to cover both possibilities, that left huge gaps to hit the ball into using whichever hand I felt like using. :-p
I was a quick runner as well so I scored lots of rounders. :-)
I liked rounders! :-)
Although the opposition didn't like me! ;-)
They were great games - for me and my side :-) , but not for the opposition :-o .

My messed up fingers wouldn't let me do anything like that now, the Viking Curse would mean I'd be quite likely to drop the bat trying to swap it quickly between hands. :-(
Aug 2023
8:15pm, 9 Aug 2023
27,135 posts
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Just take two bats, Flatlander.

The guitar has always puzzled me as I reckon the fretting is the hard part, but righties do it with the left hand, and lefties vv.

Are there left handed pianos? (off to search)
Aug 2023
8:17pm, 9 Aug 2023
41,061 posts
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My oldest lad is right handed but plays football left-footed. Younger lad is left handed but plays as a right winger and his left foot is just for standing on. I'm right handed and can't play football with either feet so I don't know where either of them got it from.

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